
Enhanced and cost-effective biosecurity in livestock production

Coordinator: Universiteit Gent (BE)

Scientific officer: Maurizio Aragrande

Duration: 01/01/2023 - 31/12/2026

Research group: Maurizio Aragrande, Massimo Canali

Understanding infection transmission ways between animals, humans and production systems is still lacking. Current biosecurity guidelines are based on empirical evidence. BioSecure will improve the capacity of livestock farming actors to understand and implement evidence-based, cost-effective and sustainable biosecurity management systems in ter-restrial livestock production chains. BioSecure will: - implement stakeholder forum to support knowledge exchange and uptake of exploitable results; - develop risk maps at EU level to implement risk analysis; - quantify biosecurity practices impact; - improve biosecurity scoring systems to adopt science-based advices; - improve biosecurity measures through experiments and field studies.