Guideline for farm-specific rules for mitigating pesticide impacts while ensuring sustainable agriculture

Coordinator: Institut National de Recherche pour l'agriculture, l'alimentation et l'environnement (INRAE)

Scientific Officer: Francesco Spinelli

Duration: 01/05/2024 - 31/10/2025

Research group: Francesco Spinelli, Giovanni Dinelli, Moreno Toselli, Elena Baldi.

The European Green Deal notes the urgent need to reduce the use/risk of pesticides. To achieve reduction targets, a legally binding proposal (Sustainable Use Regulation, SUR), which outlined approaches (e.g. Integrated Pest Management, IPM) to reduce pesticide usage has been adopted. From the SUR, Member States must design binding crop-specific rules for pest management. Ambitious; the challenge is magnified by the (i) absence of a guidance framework to support Member States to develop crop-specific rules (ii) need to identify cost-effective supports that minimise the use/risk of pesticides beyond obligatory baseline requirements (iii) lack of a forum for proactive stakeholder engagement. In response, Agrowise will develop tailored recommendations for major arable and perennial crops, [as well as grasslands]. Adhering to IPM principles encompassing diverse pedoclimatic conditions, Agrowise will lead the co-design of a guidance framework that enables the development of crop-specific rules, while also coordinating a forum of com-petent authorities and relevant stakeholder groups. This will deliver an essential mechanism to support constructive, problem solving, harmonizing approaches across the EU while also assessing IPM tailored support schemes. Agrowise goals will be achieved via a consortium of research institutions/competent authorities (from 8 Member States), collectively providing extensive trans-disciplinary experience and sectoral understanding of crop protection and agroecologi-cal transition determinants. The strategic aim of Agrowise is to support an evidence-based implementation of the SUR. The consortium will draw collective expertise from members in the European Research Alliance “Towards a chemical Pesticide-Free Agriculture" to achieve this. By supporting Member States in setting up, assessing and implementing crop-specific rules in accordance with IPM principles, Agrowise will contribute to the adoption of assessed IPM practices, thereby supporting EU.