Presentations and meetings
Interreg Central Europe General Assembly meeting ”FoodCIRCUS – Circular solutions for keeping food waste out of Central Europe’s schools"
University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest, István u. 2, 1078 Budapest, Hungary
The 2nd partner in-person meeting held by University of Veterinary Medicine, Budapest | Representative: Matteo Vittuari
Webinar: collaboration for capacity building
On line on Zoom
The CoRE-SFS is launching a webinar series focusing on key topics shaping the future of sustainable food systems |Representative: Brunella Morandi
Career guidance and work
Discover our degree programmes during the Virtual Fairs 2025
On line
The annual online events to discover all degree programmes offered by the University of Bologna
Microbial biodegradation of pesticides: the contribution of the microorganisms in the agroecosystems
1° piano, Viale Fanin 44, Bologna
Representative: Daniele Alberoni
Concluded events
Workshop on Growth component analysis for experimental research on vegetable crop physiology
Seminar Room , School of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences | Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, Nairobi, Kenya
Technologies for Sustainable city region FOOD systems in Africa, InCitis-Food, Horizon 1010983790). Speakers: Giuseppina Pennisi, John Wesonga, Francesco Orsini
Presentations and meetings
Annual Meeting of the coordinated EU H2020 FoodLAND RIA project (Food and Local, Agricultural and Nutritional Diversity)
Ecole Nationale d'Agriculture de Meknès, Morocco and online on Teams
An in-person meeting focused on the presentation, dissemination, and exploitation of final results of the project | Representative: Valentino Marini Govigli
Prospects for collaboration in Teaching, Research, Third Mission, between Unibo and UFPel
Dipartimento di Scienze e Tecnologie Agroalimentari. Viale Fanin 44, Bologna. Aula 15 (Primo piano)
Representative: Adamo Domenico Rombolà
The Current Status of Commercial Urban Farming
Palazzo Marescotti | Via Barberia, 4/2, 40123 Bologna BO and online on Teams
Presentation of the EBRD and FAO report | Representative: Francesco Orsini
Presentations and meetings
Kick-off meeting of the Horizon Europe project EUAqua.Org
Palazzo del Bo | Via VIII Febbraio, 2, 35122 Padova PD
The Kick-off meeting will take place in Padova, Italy | Representative: Matteo Vittuari
Workshop “Together In Action On Food Losses And Waste At City Level”
Amman, Jordan
Shared learning of practices and experiences towards sustainable and inclusive agrifood systems transformation, with a keynote speech by Matteo Vittuari from DISTAL
Una Europa Talk: Connections in International Relations
Una Europa Talk Connections in International Relations: Competition vs. Integration. The talk will be online on the 28th of November, from 10.45 to 11.45 AM.
Genetics and evolution of insect sex determination mechanisms | Speaker: Leo W. Beukeboom - Groningen Institute for Evolutionary Life Sciences, University of Groningen (NL)
Room 7, DISTAL | Viale Fanin 46, Bologna and online on Teams
Seminar in the framework of the course “Advanced Entomology” (IMAHS 2nd Cycle Degree) | Representative: Maria Luisa Dindo