
Concluded events

26 Jun 2024


Sustainable management of horticultural pests in Spain

Bologna, Distal - Room 11 - Viale Fanin 42

The seminar will be held by Alberto Urbaneja and Meritxell Pérez-Hedo, Researchers at Valencian Institute for Agricultural Research

19 Jun 2024


Seminar “The threat of supply chain disruptions and market fragmentation for food provision and food security”

Room 8, DISTAL | Viale Giuseppe Fanin, 48, 40127 Bologna BO

The seminar will be held by Rico Ihle, associate professor at the Agricultural Economics and Rural Policy Group of Wageningen University | Representative: Matteo Vittuari

13 Jun 2024


HEU FOODCoST event “Fair Food Systems: internalizing environmental and social costs in the price of food | Representative: Matteo Vittuari

Bologna, Italy – Palazzo Hercolani, Str. Maggiore 45

An event to explore and discuss the strategies and instruments to internalize externalities in the food system

6 Jun 2024


Seminar on “Crops management in hydroponic systems”


Seminar on “Crops management in hydroponic systems” organized in the framework of the PRIMA project FrontAg NEXUS | Representative: Elisa Appolloni

5 Jun 2024


Solution from the European Consumer Food Waste “Let’s reduce consumer food waste!”

Building Charlemagne, Brussels – 1040 Rue de la Loi 170 and also online

Multi-disciplinary forum to address consumer food waste dedicated to all actors involved in food waste prevention from both public and private sectors | Representative: Matteo Vittuari

24 May 2024


From Chemometrics to Pedometrics: The Pathway Towards Modernizing Canada’s Soil Data Infrastructure

Online on Teams

Guest lecture for the course ‘Applied Pedology', Guest Speaker: Brandon Heung, Associate Professor at Dalhousie University, Truro, Canada | Representative: Marcello Di Bonito

24 May 2024


The Power of G2P Research in Farmed Animals through High-Throughput CRISPR Screens – The constribution of the European Network on Livestock Phenomics EU-LI-PHE

On line on Zoom

Webinar organized by Working Group 2 (Genome to Phenome Integration) of COST Action “European Network on Livestock Phenomics–EU-LI-PHE, in collaboration with EuroFAANG | Representative: Luca Fontanesi

17 May 2024


Managing risk in sustainable intensification of cropping systems in the Ganges Delta Coastal zon

Aula Guarnieri, DISTAL | Viale Fanin 46, 40127 Bologna

Richard Bell, Murdoch University, Perth, Australia | Representative: Lorenzo Barbanti

17 May 2024


Symposium: "Optimizing analysis of longitudinal, high resolution behavioural data”.

Aberdeen, UK

Symposium organized within the Measuring Behavior Conference, in collaboration with the COST Action “European Network on Livestock Phenomics – EU-LI-PHE

16 May 2024


Biology of fly parasitoids and their relevance for biological control

Groningen Institute for Evolutionary Life Sciences, University of Groningen, Linnaeusborg Nijenborgh 7, 9747 AG Groningen, NL and online on Meet

Invited Speaker Seminar at Groningen Institute | Representative: Maria Luisa Dindo

9 May 2024


FruitCREWS e-seminar: Water quality and nutrition of horticultural crops

Online on Teams

The e-seminars are organized within the FruitCREWS COST Action to showcase the latest research results in the realm of plant sciences | Representative: Brunella Morandi

2 May 2024


Applications of Digital Soil Mapping for Land Management. Concepts and Case Studies from Field to Regional Scale

Online on Teams

Guest lecture for the course 'Applied Pedology' as part of the Degree in Planning and Management of Forest, Territory, Landscape and Environment | Representative: Marcello Di Bonito