
Concluded events

28 Apr 2024 4 May 2024

Guided tours and workshops

Technical visit to Sweden

Malmö – Tibro – Stockholm

28 April – 4 May 2024 | Representative: Francesco Orsini

13 Mar 2024

Guided tours and workshops

Grafting techniques for vegetable crops

Salus Space, via Malvezza 2/2, Bologna

A theoretical and practical workshop about plant grafting | Representative: Francesco Orsini

13 Mar 2024

Guided tours and workshops

Using logs and wood to propagate edible mushrooms

Salus Space, via Malvezza 2/2, Bologna

A theoretical and practical workshop about plant grafting | Representative: Francesco Orsini

7 Dec 2023

Guided tours and workshops

Developing skills in the bio-based industries: future bioeconomy education pathways

Brussels, The EGG Brussels, Rue Bara straat 175, in the context of CBE JU Stakeholder Forum (onsite event)

BIObec project – with Davide Viaggi (Project Coordinator) and Rino Ghelfi from DISTAL

12 Jul 2023

Guided tours and workshops

Orchard sustainable irrigation

9:00-12.30 - Aquacampus (Consorzio per il Canale Emiliano Romagnolo) Via Ronchi, Mezzolara di Budrio (Bologna) In presenza | 14:00-16:00 Regione Emilia-Romagna 3 TORRE, Sala 20 maggio 2012, Via della Fiera, 8. Bologna In presence and on line

From ETc, to soil-plant technologies, to remote sensing: an international workshop to get to know and discuss the different DSSs for orchard irrigation scheduling

30 Mar 2023

Guided tours and workshops

Workshop “Towards sustainable and crisis responsive food systems in Africa”

Online on Teams

The three Horizon projects Foodland, HealthyFoodAfrica and InnoFoodAfrica will discuss how innovation deal with the current food crisis in Africa | Representative: Claudia Giordano