Credits S. Magagnoli

Plant pathology and entomology

The biology, ecology, physiology and biochemistry of pathogens, pests and beneficial organisms in agro-ecosystems are studied. For a sustainable agriculture, measures to control pathogens and pests and to enhance functional biodiversity at different scales (field, farm, landscape), are developed.

Keywords: Agroecology, Apidology, Control, Disease, Entomology, Insects, Pathogen, Pathology, Pest, Plant, Pollination, Postharvest, Protection, Resistance, Systemic.

Main research fields

  • Plant Pathology and Protection

Epidemiology, detection, identification and characterization of plant pathogenic fungi, bacteria (enclosing phytoplasmas), viruses and viroids

Molecular characterization and functional genomics of the plant pathogen interaction

Study diseases and latent infections of agricultural, ornamental and forest crops

Study and control of postharvest diseases and physiological disorders

Plant disease management and control

Study of natural compounds as systemic resistance inducers.

  • Agricultural Entomology

Agroecology and landscape management to improve biological control of pests

Apidology and pollination ecology

Biology and rearing techniques of entomophagous insects

Insect physiology and biochemistry 

Sustainable control of native and exotic insect pests and side effects of insecticides

Biology and control of stored product insect.


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Elena Baraldi

Associate Professor

keywords: fruit diseases, Postharvest pathology, Fungal diseases, fruit moulds, RNA based agrochemicals, pH and fruit disease
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Riccardo Baroncelli

Associate Professor

keywords: evolution, boinformatics, genomics, Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions, plant pathology, advance diagnostic

Irene Belleggia

Research fellow

Alice Brannetti

Research fellow

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Giovanni Burgio

Full Professor

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Martina Calì

PhD Student

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Xueqin Chen

PhD Student

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Marina Collina

Associate Professor

keywords: Epidemiology of fungi, Resistance of fungi, Plant protection, Fungicide activities
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Laura Depalo

Junior assistant professor (fixed-term)

keywords: elicitors; plant resistance; insecticide selectivity; insecticide resistance; biological control
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Maria Luisa Dindo

Full Professor

keywords: Diptera Tachinidae, entomophagous insects, in vitro and in vivo rearing of insects, alien insect species,
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Giulia Galeone

Research fellow

Lubin Guan

PhD Student

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Salvatore Iacono

PhD Student

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Milan Karas

Research fellow

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Francesco Lami

Research fellow

keywords: Biodiversity, Agroecology, Invasive species, Biological control, Landscape ecology, Ecosystem services, Pollinators
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Antonio Martini

Assistant professor

keywords: Insects of stored products, Biological control
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Andrea Menicucci

PhD Student

keywords: Mycology, Plant diseases, Plant pathology, Bioinformatics, Genomics
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Paola Minardi

Assistant professor

keywords: avirulence genes, mycotoxins, determination of mycotoxins by liquid chromatography and by mass spectrometry, food and
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Diletta Missere

PhD Student

Research fellow

keywords: Entomology, green systems, historic gardens, sustainability, Environmental Humanities
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Antonio Prodi

Associate Professor

keywords: Mycology, Mycotoxins, Cereals, Mycovirus
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Madalena Ramos

PhD Student

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Claudio Ratti

Associate Professor

keywords: characterization, detection, Virus, Phytoplasma, Virods, Bacteria, biocontrol, mycovirus
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Roberta Roberti

Associate Professor

keywords: biofungicides, soil borne pathogens, phytopathogenic fungi, induced resistance , mechanisms of action of antagonists,
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Fabio Sgolastra

Associate Professor

keywords: Bees, Pollination, Ecotoxicology, Insect Ecophysiology, Environmental monitoring, Agroecology,