Research Commission


The Research Commission is responsible for promoting and implementing the Department's research activities. In close synergy with the Research Commission, a VQR Commission has been established to prepare the Department for the VQR 2020-2024 evaluation.


Director's Delegate for Research: Paolo Trevisi


Loredana Baffoni - Agro-environmental and food microbiology

Elena Baraldi - Plant pathology and entomology

Massimo Baroncini - Chemistry, biochemistry, and botany

Francesca Bertolini - Animal science

Sara Bosi - Agronomy and herbaceous, horticultural, and floricultural cropping systems

• Ilaria Braschi - Agricultural chemistry, soil science, and agricultural genetics

Tullia Gallina Toschi - Food science and technology

Stevo Lavrnic- Agricultural engineering

Luca Mulazzani - Agricultural and Food Economics, and Rural Appraisal

Rossella Maria Rosa Guerrieri - Silviculture, Forest Ecology and Management

Chiara Cevoli - Responsible for Overseas

Fabio Chinnici - Responsible for Open Science

Technical-administrative staff

Members of the technical-administrative staff may be invited to meetings if their expertise is deemed useful.

VQR Commission


The VQR Commission is responsible for coordinating all activities related to the VQR 2020-2024 within the Department.


The Commission is chaired by Director Giovanni Dinelli, attended by Deputy Director Andrea Versari, and is composed of:

Luca Fontanesi

Paolo Trevisi

Davide Viaggi