Staff mission and travel management services

This service is responsible for carrying out administrative and accounting procedures related to the authorisation and subsequent reimbursement of missions and travel carried out by the department’s staff in the performance of their institutional activities.

A mission is defined as the performance of an institutional activity, in the interests of the University, by permanent or fixed-term staff (professors and researchers and TA - technical and administrative staff) in service, both in Italy and abroad.

Travel means professional service or training activities, carried out in the interests of the University, by external staff (research assistants, doctoral students, fellows, temporary staff, self-employed professionals/contractors) who have a formal relationship with Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna other than employment, away from their established place of work, both in Italy and abroad.

Intra-University Mobility is a facility for teaching, research and technical-administrative staff, and involves travel:

- Between their place of employment and the University’s Multicampus offices and sites as long as they require the use of a vehicle

- Between offices located in the same municipality for which the public transport is required
- For teaching, political and administrative management activities of the university.

The service records the authorisations, receives the hardcopy documentation to support the reimbursement requests, and concludes the process with the settlement and payment.

Manager: Nadia Grandini

Staff: Claudia Ciccaglione - Giulia Bugetti - Monica Marzulli (Bologna office) - Silvia Gardenghi (Ozzano dell’Emilia office) - Mauro Fesani - Silvia Bonavita (Cesena office)