AIEAA and BAE Webinar series on the occasion of 10th Anniversary BAE AIEAA

Chairman: Fabio Santeramo and Meri Raggi (Co Editors in Chief Bio Based and Applied Economics) Speakers: Davide Viaggi (UNIO); Francesco Mantino (CREA)

  • Date: 06 May 2022 from 14:00 to 15:15

  • Event location: Online

IEAA and BAE present the second event of the Webinar series on occasion of 10th Anniversary BAE AIEAA, that will be held online on the 6th of May at 2 pm.


  • Davide Viaggi, University of Bologna
    The Bioeconomy in economic literature: looking back, looking ahead
  • Francesco Mantino, Consiglio per la ricerca in agricoltura e l’analisi dell’economia agraria (CREA)
    Rural areas between locality and global networks. Local development mechanisms and the role of policies empowering rural actors
