Webinar: collaboration for capacity building

The CoRE-SFS is launching a webinar series focusing on key topics shaping the future of sustainable food systems |Representative: Brunella Morandi

  • Date: 24 February 2025 from 10:30 to 11:35

  • Event location: On line on Zoom

  • Access Details: Free admission subject to enrolment

The Africa-Europe Cluster of Research Excellence in Sustainable Food Systems (CoRE-SFS) is launching a webinar series focusing on key topics shaping the future of sustainable food systems.
WebinaChinigò (Senior Assistant Professor of African History and InstiUniverityyniversity of Bologna), and Prof. Brunella Morandi (Associate Professor and tree ecophysiology lecturer, Univerityean collaboration.
The speakers will include Prof. Frans Swanepoel (CoRE-SFS Co-Lead, University of Pretoria), Prof. Ernest Aryeetey (distinguished academic leader, founding Secretary-General of ARUA), Mr Sean Rowlands (Senior Policy Officer at The Guild), Prof. Davide Chinigò (Senior Assistant Professor of African History and Institutions, University of Bologna), and Prof. Brunella Morandi (Associate Professor and tree ecophysiology lecturer, Univerity of Bologna).