WISH-ROOTS Consortium meeting

Second Annual Meeting of the WISH ROOT project consortium, a funded project within European Joint Programme- Soil (EJP-Soil) | Representative: Silvio Salvi

  • Date: from 24 May 2023 to 25 May 2023

  • Event location: Multimedial Room, DISTAL | Viale Giuseppe Fanin, 40-50, 40127 Bologna BO

  • Access Details: Free admission subject to presenting invitation

The goal of WISH-ROOTS is to enhance the potential beneficial effects of wheat cultivation on soil health through the identification of root traits that can improve soil structure and optimize nitrogen (N) cycling.

The starting hypothesis is that root morphological and functional traits in wheat landraces can preserve and improve target soil health markers. These beneficial traits, likely lost through wheat domestication, can be introduced in modern wheat cultivars and will be the base of an innovative strategy to restore and preserve agricultural soils.

Partnership includes: John Innes Centre UK (Coordinator), ARC LNR South Africa, University of Bologna Italy, IGDB-CAS China, Forschunszentrum Juelich Germany, KULeuven Belgium, Biome Makers Inc Spain.

The project will last three years (2022-2024).