Unibo International New Rose Trials 2024, on May 25 the 4th edition

Unibo International New Rose Trials 2024, on May 25 the 4th edition

The event is under the aegis of the World Federation of Rose Societies and The Italian Society for Horticultural Science.

Published: 13 May 2024 | Premi e riconoscimenti

Evaluation of new rose selections for a modern and sustainable gardening and landscaping, under the aegis of the World Federation of Rose Societies and The Italian Society for Horticultural Science.

Sixtytwo new rose selections, submitted by breeders from Belgium, France, Germany, The Netherlands, California, Minnesota, New Zeland and Italy, will be evaluated by an international jury including rose experts, members of The World Federation of Rose Societies, landscapers, technicians of urban and public parks, UNIBO researchers, gardening enthusiasts and a ‘nose’ perfumer. The evaluation is aimed at highlight the best rose hybrids for our hot and dry climatic conditions and low maintenance without chemical treatments. The rose garden can be visited with guided tours to be arranged with Prof. Maria Eva Giorgioni, curator of the germplasm collection.