Agricultural Chemistry and Pedology Laboratory Suite
The research laboratories are located on the 2nd and 5th floors of the Department of Agricultural and Food Sciences (DISTAL), in viale Fanin 40 Bologna. Except for the cartographic unit, that is located at the 2nd floor, the lab suite is on the 5th floor and is composed of:
• 2 labs of chromatography
• 1 lab of thermal and differential analyses
• 1 lab of isotopic mass spectrometry
• 1 lab of ICP-EOS elemental spectrometry
• 1 lab of spectroscopies
• 3 processing rooms and
• 1 technical room.
Permanent technical and academic staff members accessing the facility with various responsibilities are: Sonia Blasioli, Ilaria Braschi, Luciano Cavani, Claudio Ciavatta, Mauro De Feudis, Marcello Di Bonito, Gloria Falsone, Ornella Francioso, Paola Gioacchini, Marco Grigatti, Claudio Marzadori, Federico Mattioli, Martina Mazzon, Daniela Montecchio, Andrea Simoni and Livia Vittori Antisari.
Research activities
The Agricultural Chemistry and Pedology Lab facility represents an array of specialised equipment which allows the group to perform advanced analysis and research activities in the following areas:
• Genesis, evolution, and conservation of soil in natural, agricultural, and man-made environments
• Carbon and nutrients stocks in agricultural and forest soils
• Soil fertility and plant nutrition
• Soil organic matter and biosolids characterizations
• Physical, chemical, and biochemical indicators of soil quality and functionality
• Reuse of agro-industrial by-products for soil fertility
• Characterization of agro-industrial and urban biomasses for agricultural uses
• Quantification and transformation mechanisms of pollutants in the soil-water-plant system and in biomass
• Decontamination and remediation of soils, waters, and biomasses from (in)organic pollutants
• Monitoring of water-sediment-soil interactions in hydromorphic and underwater soils
• Palaeopedology and soil characterization in in historical-cultural contexts
• Soil survey and digital mapping
Below are the main analyses conducted on the soil, water, plant, and biomass matrices.
Chemical, physical, and biochemical analyses, Enzymatic analyses, Isotopic (13C, 15N) analyses, Soil analysis, Elemental analysis, FT-IR spectroscopic analyses, Thermogravimetric analyses, Analysis of organic matter and humic substances, Fertility, Chemical and biochemical quality indices, Bioavailability of nutrients, Enzymatic activities, Quantitative analysis of (in)organic pollutants, Mechanisms of transformation of pollutants, Speciation of heavy metals and potentially toxic elements. Noxious volatiles analyses (e-nose).
Chemical and biochemical analyses and composition of agro-industrial and urban by-products, fertilizers (fertilizers, soil improvers, correctives, compost), thermogravimetric analyses. NPK
analysis, Fertilising action, Stable isotope (13C, 15N) analysis, FT-IR spectroscopic analysis, Leaching test, Plant growth test, Quantitative analysis of (in)organic pollutants, Transformation mechanisms of pollutants, Noxious volatiles analyses (e-nose).
External services: Fertilizer analysis service. Contact: Prof. Claudio Ciavatta ( +390512096201.
Chemical-physical and biochemical analyses, Dry residue, Quantitative analyses of (in)organic pollutants, Pollutant stability, Kinetics, and mechanisms of hydrolytic and photolytic transformation of pollutants. Noxious volatiles analyses (e-nose).
Chemical, physical, and biochemical analyses, Elemental analysis, Isotopic analyses (13C, 15N), Growing and root elongation test under controlled conditions, Rhizotests, Nutritional and anti-nutritional substances, Sugars, Anthocyanins, Quality parameters, Quantitative analyses of (in)organic pollutants, Detection of pathogens by volatiles analyses (e-nose).
· Elemental analyser for C/N on solid matrices (Flash 2000) coupled to an isotope mass spectrometer (Delta V Advantage) for C/N isotopic ratios (Thermo Fisher Scientific)
· Plasma spectrometer ICP-OES, Arcos II, Ametek
· Elemental analyser for the determination of C and N on liquid matrices TOC-VCPH/CPN Shimadzu Italia
· FT-IR Tensor 27 Bruker with water suppression line
· UV-vis spectrometer, 7800, Jasco
· Multifunction microplate reader, Infinite F200PRO, Tecan
Liquid chromatographs:
· HPLC with detector Diode array Jasco
· HPLC detector UV-visible and refractive index, 1525, Waters
· Preparative HPLC, UV detector, conductivity meter and fraction collector, Biologic Duo-flow, Biorad
· HPLC with UV-vis detector Jasco
Other equipment:
· Electronic nose PEN3 Airsense Analytics GmbH
· Microwave oven (Milestone, USA)
· Photoreactor (wavelength 254, 300, 360 nm)
· Thermogravimetry and differential thermal analyser 92-12, Setaram
· Capillary electrophoresis with UV and LIF detector, Biofocus, Bio-Rad
· Pyrolyser
· Kjeldahl analyser, Kjelflex K-360, Büchi
· Automatic titrators: Compact titrator, Crison; TIM860, Radiometer; Flash, Steroglass
· Freeze dryer, LYPH-LOCK 6, Labconco
· Multigas photoacoustic monitor, 1302 Brüel and Kjaer
· Instrument for anodic redissolution voltammetry, Radiometer
Auxiliary tools:
· Thermostatic cells (2)
· Incubators (4)
· Cold room
· Centrifuges (2): J2-21, Beckman; J-26XP, Beckman
· Rotary Evaporator (Rotavapor)
· Dubnoff thermostatic bath (2)
· Ultrasound bath
· Mettler-Toledo 6-digit decimal scale
· Vacuum pumps (2)
· Furnace, ZA, Tecno-Lab
Teaching and training activities
Our teaching and training activities are linked to the various degree levels offered by our department, including Bachelor's, Master's, and Research Doctorate (the Agricultural, Environmental, and Food Science and Technology - STAAA). Our laboratory facilities therefore operate as the hub of most of the experimental activities of the projects that students have to prepare at each degree level in the department, in the scientific area of Agricultural Chemistry and Pedology. Furthermore, the facility is also central to a range of other activities in relation to applicative and industrial internships, as well as training programs.
Agricultural Chemistry and Pedology Laboratory Suite

Spectrometer ICO-EOS Arcos II Ametek

Lab of isotopic mass spectrometry

Multifunction multiplate reader Infinite F200PRO Tecan

FT-IR Tensor 27 Bruker with vacuum line and heating oven

HPLC con detector UV-vis and refraction index 1525 Waters

HPLC preparative con detector UV e conduttimetro Biologic Duo-flow Bio-rad

Electronic nose PEN3 Airsense Analytics GmbH

Photoacustic multi gas monitor 1302 Brüel e Kjaer

Microwave oven (Milestone, USA)

Kjeldahl steam distillation unit, Kjelflex K-360 Büchi

HPLC detector Diode array Jasco

Lab of thermogravimetry TG-DTG 92-12 Setaram

6-decimal analytical balance Mettler-Toledo

Processing lab

Chromatography lab

Processing lab

ICP-EOS Elemental analysis lab

Processing lab

Agricultural Chemistry and Pedology Laboratory Suite

Agricultural Chemistry and Pedology Laboratory Suite

Agricultural Chemistry and Pedology Laboratory Suite

Agricultural Chemistry and Pedology Laboratory Suite

Agricultural Chemistry and Pedology Laboratory Suite
Sonia Blasioli
Paola Gioacchini
Federico Mattioli
Daniela Montecchio
Andrea Simoni