Greenhouse complex of Bologna and Cadriano
The Greenhouse complex, located in Viale Fanin at the Department of Agricultural and Food Science, are destinated to experimental and didactic activities.

The Greenhouse complex of the Department of Agricultural and Food Science and the Cadriano Experimental Center are focused on a wide range of activities including:
• Diagnosis, population studies, functional and bio-molecular characterization of bacteria, fungi, phytoplasmas, viruses and viroids that infect the main agricultural crops. In particular, research is conducted on cereals and other industrial crops, fruit trees, vines, actinidia, vegetables crops, small fruits and ornamental plants
• Experimental research on tools and methods of management infectious diseases: multiplication and conservation of pathogens, study and phytoiatric characterization of synthetic and natural products and antagonistic microorganisms
• Experimental research in agronomic and genetic fields on tropical ornamental indoor, fruit and forest species. In particular, tests are carried out on traditional and innovative substrates and fertilizers for soilless and container cultivation, on growth regulators for flowering control and plant size containment, on innovative propagation techniques and on the use of lighting for the control of growth and flowering of ornamental pot species
• Studies on physiology and tolerance to abiotic stresses in cereals, horticultural, ornamental and tree crops
• Selection and maintenance of controlled crosses for the production of experimental populations improving the acceleration of genetic studies thanks to "off-season" breeding
• Microbiological studies of soil and rhizosphere and microorganism-plant interaction in the root system on plants of agricultural interest in order to reduce the use of chemical fertilizers through the use of microorganisms.
Available tools to the laboratory: Greenhouse Complex of Bologna and Cadriano Experimental Center
Department of Agricultural and Food Sciences
The Greenhouse complex has an area of over 2000 square meters divided into 18 modules: 14 are for cultivation experiments, 2 restrooms and 2 warehouses.
The 14 modules destinated for cultivation are divided into 32 sectors of various sizes, assigned in use to the different Areas of the Department. The other modules, instead, are divided into common sectors such as the environment for the preparation and sterilization of substrates, warehouses, office, and pesticide storage.
The control of environmental conditions, in the sectors for the growth and cultivation of plants, is entrusted to a computerized system. This system can manage autonomously and individually in each sector the control of the opening of the windows and of the roof, the systems for heating and air cooling, basal heating, thermal screens for insulation, shade sheets and lamps for supplementary artificial lighting.
Cadriano Experimental Center
The Cadriano Experimental Center is spread over a large area that includes a heated greenhouse of 160 square meters, a shaded area of about 1000 square meters (including areas on the ground and on desks), a covered area with tunnels of about 1050 square meters in total, 2 cold facilities used as screenhouse with anti-insect and anti-aphid mesh walls and some areas for nursery use.
Services & Consulting
It is possible to contact the referents for any requests for services and advice.
Teaching and training
The greenhouse complex allows students to carry out the internship and the thesis internship (bachelor’s and master’s degree).
The greenhouse complex also permits Italian and foreign PhD students activities, as well as research fellows and Erasmus students.
Greenhouse Complex of Bologna

Greenhouse Complex of Bologna

Greenhouse Complex of Bologna

Greenhouse Complex of Bologna
Cadriano Experimental Center

Cadriano Experimental Center

Cadriano Experimental Center

Cadriano Experimental Center
Greenhouse Center Documents
Greenhouse Complex Safety Standards
[ .pdf 1.24 MB ]
Substrate and plant material document
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