Greenhouse complex of Imola

The greenhouse complex consists of a shade structure and fully air-conditioned and automated glass greenhouses, with heated benches and systems for managing the fertilization and demineralization of the irrigation water.

It allows to carry out experimental and teaching activities, such as practical activities and theses, related to the propagation, nutrition and planning of the phenological phases of soilless ornamental and landscape plants, and to directly experience the management of the microclimate in a protected environment and the interactions between climatic parameters.

Furthermore, in the sector dedicated to plant pathology, the health aspects of ornamental and medicinal plants are addressed, with reference to those present in (public or private) green areas and in a production environment.

In the didactic-experimental structure, tests are also carried out concerning the experimentation of LED lighting systems applied to plants, to evaluate the effects of different spectra, intensities and photoperiods on the growth and the qualitative-quantitative characteristics of the plants studied. The tests, also conducted in the context of interdisciplinary research and in collaboration with important companies in the green sector and in the LED lighting sector, are also carried out with reference to compounds and active ingredients of pharmaceutical, nutraceutical and cosmetic interest.

Teaching activity

Specimens of indoor, flowering, and decorative foliage plants are cultivated for varietal recognition, and cuttings and sowing of herbaceous and shrub species are carried out. The analysis of historical data relating to climatic parameters also makes it possible to compare the trend of temperature and humidity in relation to the external climatic conditions and the characteristics of the greenhouse structure. The Degree program in “Sciences and technologies for green and landscape" makes use of the structures of this complex as an important support for teaching.

In fact, with regards to the plant health aspects, the symptomatic plants, found in the various growing environments or conferred by flower-nursery companies, are used during the exercises for the visual diagnosis (indispensable for the recognition of the disease) and the transmission of the pathogens on test healthy plants by mechanical inoculations and grafts.

Research activity

Varietal screenings of herbaceous species for xerogardening are conducted, which can be used in innovative green systems, such as green roofs and green walls, and new fertilizing formulations for potted plants are evaluated. The shade structure houses potted ornamental shrubs, under test to quantify the ability of the individual species to fix the heavy metals linked to urban traffic pollution.

The practical activities carried out in the greenhouse on symptomatic plant specimens constitute an important phase of the "diagnosis": each disease is studied to identify the pathogen or pathogens involved, thus providing useful answers to producers of ornamental species, to "Green" technicians and to all those who care about plant health. From a plant health point of view, the greenhouse must be considered a dynamic and varied place, a meeting point between different skills and, therefore, the right combination of teaching and scientific research.


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