Coordinator: URF Unione Romagna Faentina
Scientific Officer: Patrizia Tassinari
Duration: 01/12/2024 - 31/05/2028
Research group: Patrizia Tassinari, Daniele Torreggiani, Alberto Barbaresi, Marco Bovo, Stefano Benni, Enrica Santolini, Maria Eva Giorgioni, Alberto Minelli.
The devasting floodings of May 2023 highlighted how climate change is present and makes territories and populations fragile. AQUAGREEN will test in Faenza innovative solutions to make urban areas more resilient to these extreme weather events, more frequent and dangerous. They will consist in a blue-green Multifunctional Resilience Park Living Lab (MRPLL) built in a public area (around 3.5 ha) in a district particularly devasted by the floodings: Borgo Durbecco. Different solutions, often carried out individually, will be integrated, through the MRPLL, in an innovative, digital, and high-performing combination based on new permeable pavement to favor water infiltration, rain garden, tank for rainwater collection to be used in water scarcity periods, green roof on the gym, combined with a photovoltaic plant linked to a storage system also to ensure electricity power for drainage pumps during blackouts. Thus a Living Lab using a digital interface will be implemented for constant citizens’ involvement in creative co-designing. MRPLL, located in a delimited pilot area, will be complemented by two tools, linked to it, operating at a wider territorial level: a Decision Support System that considers data in real-time, and an innovative Early Warning System to better enable public au-thorities to alert on time the whole population. The integration of these different solutions in a unique system replicable at a wider scale in EU is the leading innovation and originality of the project.