TrAnsformative climate ResilienCe by nAture-baseD solutions in the contInentAl bio-geographical region


Scientific Officer: Federico Magnani

Duration: 01/01/2024 - 30/06/2028

Research group: Federico Magnani.

Nature Based Solutions (NBS) contribute efficiently and effectively to climate adaptation, but must be adapted locally and to be coherently chosen to assure sustainability and no side effects. ARCADIA will mobilise 8 European regions and communities to accelerate NBS adoption and assist them in accessing up-to-date knowledge and tools.

The definition of regional ambitions and of methodologies and approaches co-developed at consortium level, will be followed by the implementation of 15 co-innovation labs with the engagement of the interested communities and so-cietal partners; the learning across policy areas will be exploited to up-scale and deploy at large scale the solutions in the regions, developing robust policy and economic tools.