Marginal agricultural land and climate-resilient and biodiversity-friendly industrial crops for innovative bio-based value chains

Scientific Officer: Andrea Monti
Duration: 01/11/2022 - 30/10/2026
Research group: Andrea Monti, Federica Zanetti, Walter Zegada-Lizarazu, Pietro Peroni, Andrea Parenti, Angela Vecchi, Barbara Alberghini, Sara Berzuini, Lorenzo Mordos, Rossella Mastroberardino, Elena Pagani
MIDAS aims to develop, evaluate and optimize sustainable low-ILUC feedstock by developing se-lected industrial crops and cropping systems on European marginal agricultural land in a climate-resilient and biodiversity-friendly way to support feasible bio-based value chains. Mapping of the actual and future marginal lands that may be certified as low-ILUC, including current and future ex-pectations on soil erosion and water stress as well as biodiversity challenges and potentials, eco-system services, and guidelines for enhancing co-benefits will improve understanding of the avai-lable marginal land for “low-ILUC” biomass production. Selected industrial crops, already adapted to marginal lands, will be optimized through modern biotechnology tools - particularly for water-use efficiency - and through tailored agronomic practices towards improved resource efficiency. Case studies of innovative farming systems (intercropping, agroforestry) established on marginal land at farm level will improve harvesting solutions, biodiversity data and guidelines while relevant actors (farming community, bio-based industry & academia) will be engaged through Regional Advisory Groups. From the produced biomass innovative bio-based products (biochemicals, composites, and elastomers) will be developed, following the biorefinery and the circular use concept. Potential biomass-to-product(s) pathways will be identified, leading to value chain/ web concepts that will be assessed for sustainability and will produce a multi-criteria tool for the design of sustainable bio-based value webs while enhancing regional biodiversity. Finally business plans to foster circularity at farm level by engaging the farming community, industrial actors and academia through the pro-jects’ Case Studies will be developed. Moreover, through international cooperation (Brazil, Ca-nada) on crops, cropping systems and bio based products MIDAS allows best practices exchange and contributes to win-win scenarios development.