Root and shoot developmental insights for crop agricultural traits affecting resilience, competitiveness and sustainability

Coordinator: Dipartimento di Scienze e Tecnologie Agro-alimentari (DISTAL), Università di Bologna

Scientific Officer: Silvio Salvi

Duration: 12/10/2023 - 12/10/2025

Research group: Silvio Salvi

Climate change and environmental degradation are threatening agriculture. Recently, novel plant shoot and root architectures have been proposed to help improve stress resilience, for example by facilitating water or nutrients absorption. However, knowledge about genes, developmental programs and gene expression regulatory circuits is largely missing. In this project (RADICALS), we aim to identify genes and gene-expression regulatory modules affecting root and shoot branching in barley and cultivated cereals. Public en-gagement and outreach activities are planned in order to disseminate scientific knowledge. RADICALS will contribute to our understanding of molecular mechanisms underlying tolerance to stresses.