POT - Piani di Orientamento e Tutorato

Piani di Orientamento e Tutorato (POT) were launched with MIUR Decree No. 1047/2017. Organized into groups of degree classes, they are promoted by various Italian universities and have the dual objective of helping high school students make informed choices about their university paths and successfully complete them. These objectives are achieved through orientation and tutoring activities. 

The DISTAL participates in the POT with its three-year degree programs, specifically in the POT SISSA3EFG, which involves 34 Italian universities offering courses in the following degree classes: Agricultural and Forestry Sciences and Technologies (L-25), Agro-Food Sciences and Technologies (L-26), Animal Science and Technology of Livestock Production (L-38), Sciences, Cultures, and Policies of Gastronomy (L-Gastr), Professional Degrees in Technical Agricultural, Food, and Forestry Professions (LP02).

The general objective is to increase enrollment numbers and reduce dropout rates. The planned areas of intervention focus on orientation for incoming and current students, tutoring activities, self-assessment and remediation of initial knowledge gaps, laboratory-based learning, professional development for high school teachers.

System-wide actions (involving all participating universities): 

• Support for the dissemination of the CISIA Orientation Platform among high schools 

• Adoption of a student experience monitoring and evaluation system, based on best practices implemented in all three-year degree programs at UNIBO

Exclusive actions for the Bologna campus: 

• Enhancing awareness of degree offerings (L-25, L-26, L-38, L-Gastr) – Many high school students, their families, and teachers are not fully aware of the available programs in these fields, leading to lower enrollment rates. To address this, a newsletter will be distributed to high school teachers to dispel stereotypes about agriculture and agri-food studies and highlight the innovative opportunities offered by the Department of Agro-Food Sciences and Technologies. Each edition will include events, news, and career opportunities to help teachers better guide their students toward a future in the agri-food sector. 

• Pre-laboratory course: “Chi ben comincia…” (“A good start…”) – Designed for first-year students, this program helps them transition from high school to university by providing useful tools to navigate their academic journey successfully. 


  • distal.docentiscuole@unibo.it