Seed Research and Testing Laboratory – LaRAS

Research Themes

The lab carries on research activity in the field of seeds along the following lines:

• Development of tests for the evaluation of seed quality and prediction of field performance

• Studies of qualitative and quantitative aspects of seed production as affected by agro-ecological factors

• Application of molecular tools for variety registration and intellectual property protection

• Development of methods for identification of species and varieties, varietal purity, traceability and GMO testing

• Development and validation of molecular markers for assisted selection in agricultural and vegetable crops

• Sequence and expression variability in genes involved in seed vigour and stress tolerance

• Seed treatment and seed dressing: development of new formulations and monitoring of dust release

• Application of microorganisms and/or their metabolites in seed treatment

• Studies on the inoculation of nitrogen-fixers in seed treatment

• Development of seed treatments for organic seed

Support and collaboration in research activities of other groups within DISTAL.

Education and Training Activity

The lab carries on the following activities to support education and training in the seed area:

• Laboratory exercises on physical, physiological, and genetic aspects of seed quality

• Educational visits within the degree courses offered by DISTAL

• Image collection of seeds of the main herbaceous crops

• Tutoring for the preparation of undergraduate, master and PhD theses

• Training and internship for students, national and international workshops for employes in the seed sector.

Laboratory Equipment Available

• Physiology sector: growth chambers (walk-in and cabinets), sample storage room, seed cleaning equipment, mills, dust hood

• Morphology sector: hood for treated seed, sample dividers, seed blower, vibratory seed shaker, oven for moisture determination, optical and electronic seed counters, binocular stereoscopes and digital vision systems

• Molecular sector: mills, homogenizers and systems for single-seed grinding, freeze-dryers, centrifuges, DNA extractors, electrophoretic chambers, sequencer, end-point and real-time PCR equipment.

Services and Consulting

LaRAS offers its services based on defined fees and on contracts.
