Integrative breeding strategies for the transition of EUropean AQUAculture towards sustainable ORGanic production

Coordinator: Università degli Studi di Padova

Scientific Officer: Matteo Vittuari

Duration: 01/01/2025 - 31/12/2028

Research group: Matteo Vittuari, Lucia Mancini, Camilla Sgroi, Caterina Rettore, Valeria Musso, Filippo Pini, Irene Bedosti, Arianna dell’Olio, Valentina Guerrieri, Anna Niero, Simone Amadori, Simone Prospero, Andrea Vicinanza, Andrea Nozzoli.

EUAqua.Org is aimed at boosting organic fish production in Europe by developing highly innovative solutions to fill key knowledge gaps and overcome the most relevant factors limiting the competitiveness for organic farming of Atlantic salmon, European sea bass, gilthead sea bream, and rainbow trout. Key technological advancements in phenotyping, genotyping, and genomic prediction methods will be developed by EUAqua.Org through the integration of different disciplines and approaches. This will provide essential tools for cost-effective, welfare- and environment-friendly organic aquaculture. The implementation of these tools at the industry level will be ensured by a comprehensive scientific, public, and industrial communication and dissemination programme, with exploitation of the project objectives and key results to create impact, including a multi-module open-access online training course that will be co-developed with key stakeholders (breeding companies, fish farmers, feed producers). In parallel, a tailored set of intervention strategies will be designed to promote awareness and acceptance of OA products in European consumers, through a behavioural economics approach. The project will build upon outputs of completed and ongoing national and EU projects, fully exploiting existing knowledge and leveraging the direct involvement of EUAqua.Org partners in multi-disciplinary research on advanced fish genomics, fish nutrition, fish health and welfare, consumer studies.