Coordinator: Alma Mater Studiorum -Università di Bologna, DICAM
Scientific Officer: Francesca Patrignani
Research group: Francesca Patrignani, Rosalba Lanciotti, Claudio Ciavatta, Claudio Marzadori, Lucia Vannini.
ONE EARTH will develop and assess an integrated multi-purpose biorefinery for the valorization of residual raw materials, residues of animal origin, protein-rich and of animal origin to produce safe and healthy bio-based goods for human being, agriculture, aquaculture, chemical sectors. This will be pursued selecting organic residues to get PUFAs and polypepitdes, obtained with expensive organic substrates from farming or microbial cultures, as ingredients for ONE EARTH end-products. A reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, compared to those generated by the production of benchmark conventional ingredients. will be gained exploiting the typical Carbon-base gaseous leftover from biomass conversion, for the biotech production of PUFA-rich algae.