Presentations and meetings
Interreg Central Europe General Assembly meeting ”FoodCIRCUS – Circular solutions for keeping food waste out of Central Europe’s schools"
University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest, István u. 2, 1078 Budapest, Hungary
The 2nd partner in-person meeting held by University of Veterinary Medicine, Budapest | Representative: Matteo Vittuari
Concluded events
Presentations and meetings
Annual Meeting of the coordinated EU H2020 FoodLAND RIA project (Food and Local, Agricultural and Nutritional Diversity)
Ecole Nationale d'Agriculture de Meknès, Morocco and online on Teams
An in-person meeting focused on the presentation, dissemination, and exploitation of final results of the project | Representative: Valentino Marini Govigli
Presentations and meetings
Kick-off meeting of the Horizon Europe project EUAqua.Org
Palazzo del Bo | Via VIII Febbraio, 2, 35122 Padova PD
The Kick-off meeting will take place in Padova, Italy | Representative: Matteo Vittuari
Presentations and meetings
European Regional Focal Point (ERFP) for Animal Genetic Resources, General Assembly 2024
Plesso C – Aule Agraria – Università di Firenze, Via Sandro Pertini 16, Florence, Italy
Invited Speaker: Luca Fontanesi from DISTAL. Lecture entitled: “Mining the genome of Italian animal genetic resources provided hints on peculiar genetic features: Examples of successful stories”
Presentations and meetings
PoLaRecCE Project – kick-off meeting in Poland: June 19-21, 2024
Skawina - Poland
6 countries, 9 Regions, 10 partners meet in Poland for the kick-off meeting of PoLaRecCE Project | Representative: Gloria Falsone
Presentations and meetings
Interreg Central Europe Kick Off Meeting: “FoodCIRCUS – Circular solutions for keeping food waste out of Central Europe’s schools
Vienna – Universitat fur Bodenkultur – Gregor Mendel Strasse 33
1st project meeting with the aim of creating a network between project partners and identify the first steps to take towards FoodCIRCUS final objectives | Representative: Matteo Vittuari
Presentations and meetings
HEU ENFASYS - General Assembly, Novi Sad (Serbia)
Novi Sad - Beogradska 11, Petrovaradin 21000
The General Assembly of the project Enfasys - ENcouraging Farmers towards sustainable farming Systems through policy and business Strategies takes place in Novi Sad | Representative: Matteo Vittuari
Presentations and meetings
From Management to Markets: Strategies for a Biobased and Circular Economy
E-learning room, viale Fanin, 50, 5th floor, Bologna and on line
A meeting with Prof. Wubben (Associate Professor Strategic Management - Wageningen University & Research), Visiting Professor at Distal | Representative: Rino Ghelfi
Presentations and meetings
Workshop on "Monitoring for Resilient Forests - Needs, Gaps, and Way Ahead"
On-site: Faculty of Science of the Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal | Online on Zoom
The event is organized within the second annual meeting of the CLEANFOREST COST Action – Rossella Guerrieri from DISTAL in the scientific committee
Presentations and meetings
SoMMet project: metrology for multi-scale monitoring of soil moisture
Sala Feste, Via Zamboni 22, Bologna
Mid-term project meeting with the partners of of the European project SoMMet | Representative: Gabriele Baroni
Presentations and meetings
Inclusive and Sustainable Food Value Chains Development in Ethiopia
Aula E-learning, DISTAL | Viale Fanin, 50 – Bologna (BO)
Ethioina Delegation and UNIBO - DISTAL Meeting | Representative: Marco Setti
Presentations and meetings
OpenDistal 2023
Aula Magna Distal, viale Giuseppe Fanin, 40-50, 40127, Bologna (BO)
Researchers and students meet the agri-food organizations and companies