Workshop: ‘Roots, crops and soil’
Aula Magna, DISTAL | Viale Giuseppe Fanin, 44, 40127 Bologna BO
Workshop on latest advances about the interactions between plant roots, soil health and crop performances in the context of sustainable cropping systems | Referente: Silvio Salvi
Presentations and meetings
5th Virtual Durum Meeting
A webinar meeting promoted by the Wheat Initiative | Representative: Roberto Tuberosa
Can UV-B lighting be optimized to produce value-added plant in vertical farming?
Online, website of ISHS
Representative: Francesco Orsini
Can Successive Harvesting of Basil Increase Production in Vertical Farming?
Online, website of ISHS
Representative: Francesco Orsini
Ultra-processing debate: why processing level cannot be related to the food healthiness
Subotica, Palic (Serbia)
Keynote Speaker at: VIII International Conference Sustainable Postharvest and Food Technologies | Representative: Marco Dalla Rosa
Presentations and meetings
Consortium Meeting of RES4LIVE project
Aarhus University, Denmark
6th Meeting of the Horinzon 2020 project “RES4LIVE – Energy Smart Livestock Farming towards Zero Fossil Fuel Consumption” | Representative: Stefano Benni
Townhall meeting presenting the new COST Action on the Joint effects of climate extremes and atmospheric deposition on European forests (CLEANFOREST)
Austria Center Vienna (ACV), Vienna, Austria.
Representative: Rossella Maria Rosa Guerrieri
Can nighttime dim blue light prevent lettuce tipburn in indoor farms?
Online, website of ISHS
Representative: Francesco Orsini
How can medicinal plants be efficiently cultivated in vertical farming?
Online, website of ISHS
Representative: Francesco Orsini
Insights from agricultural and forest policies in Brazil
Room 5, DISTAL | Viale Giuseppe Fanin, 40-50, 40127 Bologna BO and online on Teams
Zero Deforestation in Brazil: An Overview on Supportive National Policies; Socioeconomic and environmental impacts of a degraded pasture recovery policy in Brazil | Referente: Valentino Marini Govigli
Can short-day plants flower under long-days?
Online, website of ISHS
Representative: Francesco Orsini
How does Catharanthus roseus respond to UV-A and UV-C stresses in vertical farming systems?
Online, website of ISHS
Representative: Francesco Orsini