
22 Nov 2022


The role of context on consumer behavior and food perception

Online on Teams

Representative: Ilaria Braschi

8 Sep 2022 9 Sep 2022


183rd EAAE Seminar on Experimental Economics

Zagreb, Croatia

Representative: Maurizio Canavari

23 Jun 2022


International meeting on precision livestock farming and future perspectives for livestock production

ISTAL - Viale Giuseppe Fanin 46, 40127, Bologna (BO) - Animal Science Meeting Room and online on Teams

Representative: Leonardo Nanni Costa

25 May 2022


Forest bioeconomy concept in central Europe, Czech republic case: visions, barriers, opportunities

DISTAL - Viale Fanin 42, Bologna - Aula 11, I floor

Seminar by Dr. Radek Rinn (Faculty of Forestry and Wood Sciences, Czech University of Life Sciences Prague | Representative: Valentino Marini Govigli

13 May 2022


Whole Genome Sequencing and its application in foodborne outbreak investigation at EU level

Online on Teams

Seminar held by Mirko Rossi – Scientific Officer at EFSA (European Food Safety Authority)

6 May 2022


AIEAA and BAE Webinar series on the occasion of 10th Anniversary BAE AIEAA


Chairman: Fabio Santeramo and Meri Raggi (Co Editors in Chief Bio Based and Applied Economics) Speakers: Davide Viaggi (UNIO); Francesco Mantino (CREA)

4 May 2022


Bio-district: the methodology for the sustainable management of the territories, based on the Agroecology best practices and the organic farming principles of Health, Ecology, Fairness, and Care

Online on Zoom

Cesare Zanasi will illustrate how to boost the creation and management of Biodistricts

4 Apr 2022


Seminar on Long term vision for rural areas in the EU

Online - Zoom

DISTAL’s reference person involved in the event: Emilia Pellegrini

31 Mar 2022


Advances in kiwi cultivation: new varieties, bacterial canker and management of photoselective covers

San Fernando, Chile

Presentation Dr. Biondi: “Recent advances for the control of bacterial canker of kiwifruit (Pseudomonas syringae pv. actinidiae)” - International Seminar/FIC project seminar, Chairman Prof. Set Perez

30 Mar 2022


Workshop on “Innovation dynamics in agri-food value chains”

Online - Microsoft Teams

DISTAL’s reference person involved in the event: Claudia Giordano and Elisa Carloni

28 Mar 2022 29 Mar 2022


Nutritional modeling of growth in pigs and its application in precision feeding

Room 10, DISTAL - Viale Giuseppe Fanin, 48 - Bologna (also online with Teams)

Seminar of Prof. Jaap van Milgen as a visiting scholar from INRAE: Saint-Gilles for the PhD courses

18 Mar 2022


War in Ukraine: its Implications on Energy and Mineral Resources

Online - Microsoft Teams

With Raffaella Campaner, Daniela Cavalcoli, Leonardo Setti and Paolo Garofalo