
12 May 2024 16 May 2024


European Horticultural Congress

Palace of Parliament, str. Izvor nr. 2-4, sector. 5, Bucharest (Romania)

The V European Horticulture Congress has the purpose to address the problems horticulture is facing in the current turbulent times | Representative: Brunella Morandi

16 May 2024


Biology of fly parasitoids and their relevance for biological control

Groningen Institute for Evolutionary Life Sciences, University of Groningen, Linnaeusborg Nijenborgh 7, 9747 AG Groningen, NL and online on Meet

Invited Speaker Seminar at Groningen Institute | Representative: Maria Luisa Dindo

6 May 2024 9 May 2024

Training initiatives

Training school on "Monitoring spatiotemporal changes in global change drivers and their effects on semiarid woodlands and forests"

Faculty of Science of the Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal

First Training school organized within the CLEANFOREST COST Action – Rossella Guerrieri from DISTAL in the scientific committee and among the trainers

9 May 2024

Presentations and meetings

Workshop on "Monitoring for Resilient Forests - Needs, Gaps, and Way Ahead"

On-site: Faculty of Science of the Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal | Online on Zoom

The event is organized within the second annual meeting of the CLEANFOREST COST Action – Rossella Guerrieri from DISTAL in the scientific committee

9 May 2024


FruitCREWS e-seminar: Water quality and nutrition of horticultural crops

Online on Teams

The e-seminars are organized within the FruitCREWS COST Action to showcase the latest research results in the realm of plant sciences | Representative: Brunella Morandi

28 Apr 2024 4 May 2024

Guided tours and workshops

Technical visit to Sweden

Malmö – Tibro – Stockholm

28 April – 4 May 2024 | Representative: Francesco Orsini

2 May 2024


Applications of Digital Soil Mapping for Land Management. Concepts and Case Studies from Field to Regional Scale

Online on Teams

Guest lecture for the course 'Applied Pedology' as part of the Degree in Planning and Management of Forest, Territory, Landscape and Environment | Representative: Marcello Di Bonito

30 Apr 2024


Advancements in soil health monitoring for ecosystem restoration, biodiversity, food and nutrition security and climate action

Online on Teams

Guest lecture for the course ‘Conservation and Sustainable Management of Soils: Tools and Practices’ as part of the Degree in Precision and Sustainable Agriculture | Representative: Marcello Di Bonito

16 Apr 2024


Multicriteria Spatial Analysis applied to Agro-Environmental Planning

Room 4, DISTAL | Viale Giuseppe Fanin, 40, 40127 Bologna BO

The seminar is an introduction to the approach of multi-criteria to sgro-environmental planning with application to some use case | Representative: Giuliano Vitali

18 Mar 2024 19 Mar 2024

Training initiatives

Food Choice Decision & Psychological Aspects

Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna, Imola branch. Palazzo Vespignani, via Garibaldi 24, Imola (BO)

Representative: Maurizio Canavari

13 Mar 2024

Guided tours and workshops

Grafting techniques for vegetable crops

Salus Space, via Malvezza 2/2, Bologna

A theoretical and practical workshop about plant grafting | Representative: Francesco Orsini

13 Mar 2024

Guided tours and workshops

Using logs and wood to propagate edible mushrooms

Salus Space, via Malvezza 2/2, Bologna

A theoretical and practical workshop about plant grafting | Representative: Francesco Orsini