Agro-environmental and food microbiology

The division is focused on:
i) biotechnological approaches to increase food safety, shelf-life and functionality;
ii) phenotypic, genetic and biochemical approaches to characterize probiotic microorganisms and prebiotic substances for the sustainable and high-quality growth of plants, animals and humans.

Keywords: Antimicrobials, Byproducts, Endophytes, Fermentation, Food, Functionality, Innovative-Technologies, Microbiome, Modeling, Prebiotics, Probiotics, Rhizosphere, Safety, Shelf-life, Taxonomy.

Main research fields

Technological characterization and selection of microbial cultures for traditional, innovative and functional foods and optimization of fermentation processes.

Traditional and innovative technologies to increase food safety, shelf-life, functionality.

Mathematical modeling approaches to study the individual and combined effects of food process variables on pathogenic and spoilage microorganisms.

Natural antimicrobials and biocontrol agents to increase food safety and shelf-life.

Biotechnological approaches to valorize food and agricultural byproducts and their re-use.

Description, polyphasic taxonomic and functional characterization of new potential probiotic strains.

Beneficial and probiotic microorganism in plants, rhizosphere and soil.

Characterization of microbiome in humans, animals and soil.

Characterization and development of prebiotic substances.

Molecular characterization of the microbial community in agricultural soil under different agronomic management.


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Daniele Alberoni

Junior assistant professor (fixed-term)

keywords: Apis mellifera L., Microbiome, Nosema ceranae, Beneficial microbes, Secondary metabolites, Metagenomics, Lactobacillus
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Susan Caroline Alvarado Cummings

PhD Student

Research fellow

keywords: Circular economy, Bioeconomy, Sustainable intensification
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Solidea Amadei

PhD Student

keywords: Food by-products valorization, Alternative protein sources, Biotechnological processes, Non-thermal treatments
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Loredana Baffoni

Associate Professor

keywords: Soil microbiota, Plant Growth Promoting Bacteria, bifidobacteria, lactobacilli, insect and animal gut microbiota

Marco Bosco

Associate Professor

keywords: Plant-Probiotic Microorganisms, Sustainable Plant Breeding, Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi, Rhizosphere Microbiomes,
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Beatrice Cellini

Research fellow

Teaching tutor

keywords: food by-products, Microbiology, functional microorganisms, innovative technologies, cold plasma, Food microbiology
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Marianna Ciccone

PhD Student

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Diana Di Gioia

Full Professor

keywords: Beneficial microorganisms, Soil microbiota, Probiotics, PGPR, Gut microbiota, Anti-microbial activity
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Irene Gandolfi

PhD Student

Fausto Gardini

Full Professor

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Andrea Gianotti

Associate Professor

keywords: Biofilm, safety, RTE foods, ancient wheats, Bakery products
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Davide Gottardi

Junior assistant professor (fixed-term)

keywords: Microbiology, Recovery and valorization of food by-products, Fermented food, Probiotics, Gut microbiome and simulators,
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Sona Hajiyeva

PhD Student

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Muhammad Rehan Khan

Research fellow

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Rosalba Lanciotti

Full Professor

keywords: Probiotics, Food product optimization, Microbial perforamce optimization, Selection of microorganisms of food and

Silvia Malavolta

Research fellow

keywords: Probiotics, microbiome, health
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Paola Mattarelli

Associate Professor

keywords: prebiotics, gastrointestinal microbiota, microbial ecology, probiotics, essential oil, bifidobacteria, antibiotic
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Lorenzo Nissen

Junior assistant professor (fixed-term)

keywords: In vitro intestinal models, Prebiotics, Food Microbiology, Microbiota, Nutrigenomics, Cannabis sativa sativa
keywords: Biopolymers from microorganisms, Foods microbiology, Bio-active packagings, Food waste, fruits and vegetables,
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Elia Pagliarini

PhD Student

Teaching tutor

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Francesca Patrignani

Associate Professor

keywords: food microbiology, starter, probiotics, high pressure homogenization
keywords: Sustainability, circular economy, managment of waste material
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Lorenzo Siroli

Fixed-term Researcher in Tenure Track L. 79/2022

keywords: food microbiology, food safety, microbial bacteriocin, probiotics, biocontrol
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Giulia Tabanelli

Senior assistant professor (fixed-term)

keywords: Lactic acid bacteria, Biogenic amines, Fermented foods, Thermal treatments, Essential oils, Starter cultures,

Lucia Vannini

Associate Professor

keywords: natural antimicrobials, gene expression, active and biodegradable packaging, exploitation of food by-products, gas