Food science and technology

Food formulation, processing, emerging and mild technologies, packaging, sustainability, quality management, certification and shelf-life. Chemical analysis, physical, sensory properties of food. Quality, safety and authenticity aspects. By-products valorization, use of additives and residues.

Keywords: Analysis, Antioxidants, Authenticity, Beverages, Composition, Food, Functionality, Microstructure, Oils, Packaging, Processing, Quality, Sensory, Sustainability, Wine. 

Main research fields

Technologies and Innovative Processing

  • Production of oils, cereal-based, meat, dairy products and emulsions, mild and cold formulations
  • Sustainable and innovative technologies for smart winery 4.0 and vegetable fermented beverages
  • New extracts (e.g. Cannabis Sativa, Curcuma Longa L.) and by-products exploitation
  • Pulsed electric fields, gas plasma, ultrasounds and oil mills on lab, pilot and industrial scale
  • Packaging and processing to reduce toxicants (e.g. acrylamide), allergens (SO2) and mycotoxins

Instrumental and Sensory Analysis of Food and Beverages

  • Innovative, rapid, targeted and non-targeted methods of analysis to control the quality of food of animal, vegetable origin, fruit juices, wine and beer
  • Measure of water mobility, physical, microstructural properties, shelf-life (accelerated aging and math modelling) and modification induced by processing (quality markers)
  • Sensory analysis, profile sheets and reference materials to study quality and preference
  • Activities of the Professional Committee of Olive Oils Tasters


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Silvia Arduini

PhD Student

keywords: Grappa spirit, Brandy, Authentication, Spirit drinks, HPLC, GC-MS, GC-FID, Aging, Wine
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Federico Baris

PhD Student

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Alessandra Bendini

Associate Professor

keywords: Sensory analysis, Antioxidant activity, Phenolic compounds, Virgin olive oil quality, Chromatographic analysis, Lipid
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Erica Bensmail

PhD Student

Teaching tutor

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Maria Caboni

Full Professor

keywords: chromatography, phospholipid, antioxidant, lipid, oxidation
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Enrico Casadei

Junior assistant professor (fixed-term)

keywords: chemical analysis, chromatography, olive oil, sensory analysis, quality, food, authenticity
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Fabio Chinnici

Associate Professor

keywords: Beverages, Enology, HPLC, Food Technology, Food Analysis, GC-MS, Vinegar, Beer, Fermented Beverages, Phenolics, Aroma
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Marco Dalla Rosa

Full Professor

keywords: water in foods, Computer aided image analysis, antioxidants, minimally processing of fruit and vegetables, coffee
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Michele D'Ostuni

Junior assistant professor (fixed-term)

keywords: Urban Agriculture, Integrated hydroponic systems, Sustainable urban planning, Building-integrated Agriculture
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Mara Antonia Gagliano

PhD Student

Research fellow

Teaching tutor

keywords: lipid oxidation and antioxidants, food and functional food, virgin olive oil, sensory analysis, food waste recovery,
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Patricia Garcia Salas

Research fellow

keywords: Chemical analysis, Food chemistry, By-products, Functional foods, phenolic compounds, Analytical techniques,
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Gebremedhin Gebremariam Gebremical

PhD Student

Research fellow

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Giulio Giannini

PhD Student

Teaching tutor

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Ilaria Grigoletto

Research fellow

Teaching tutor

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Mario Guida

PhD Student

Teaching tutor

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Sona Hajiyeva

PhD Student

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Muhammad Rehan Khan

Research fellow

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Giuseppe Mancuso

Junior assistant professor (fixed-term)

keywords: Wastewater treatment, Water reclamation

Carlo Mengucci

Junior assistant professor (fixed-term)

keywords: Machine Learning, Multivariate Models, Metabolomics, NMR Spectrometry
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Dario Mercatante

Research fellow

Teaching tutor

keywords: Lipid oxidation and antioxidants, Composition and stability of food lipids, Formulation, characterization and stability
keywords: Entomology, green systems, historic gardens, sustainability, Environmental Humanities
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Giuseppina Paola Parpinello

Associate Professor

keywords: Wine and beverages, Chemical analysis, Sensory evaluation, Exploitation of by-products in enology
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Federica Pasini

Junior assistant professor (fixed-term)

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Cesare Ravagli

PhD Student

Research fellow

keywords: lipids, instrumental analyses, volatile compounds, food by-products, oxidation, food product formulation, dairy products
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Arianna Ricci

Fixed-term Researcher in Tenure Track L. 79/2022

keywords: Oenology; oenological techniques; bioactive compounds; polyphenols; antioxidants; food waste recovery; climate change
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Francesca Ricciardelli

Research fellow

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Pietro Rocculi

Associate Professor

keywords: Minimally processed food, Novel non-thermal processing, Modified atmosphere processing and packaging, Food processing,
keywords: Quality, stability and analysis of food, Lipid oxidation and antioxidants, Composition and stability of food lipids,
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Santina Romani

Associate Professor

keywords: Food processing and quality, Food packaging, Innovative and sustainable packaging (edible coating, active,
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Giulia Salvatori

PhD Student

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Claudia Troisi

PhD Student

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Matilde Tura

Junior assistant professor (fixed-term)

keywords: olive oil, hemp seed oil, liquid chromatography, gas chromatography, sensory analysis, food technologies
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Urszula Tylewicz

Associate Professor

keywords: non-thermal technologies, Pulsed electric fields (PEF), ultrasound (US), waste and By-products valorisation, Thermal
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Enrico Valli

Associate Professor

keywords: chemical analysis, chromatography, olive oils, sensory analysis, by-products, food technologies

Ester Maria Vasini

Research fellow

keywords: NMR spectroscopy
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Andrea Versari

Full Professor

keywords: enology, sustainability, beverages shelf-life, bioactive antioxidant, polyphenolic compounds, byproduct and waste from
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