Plant Physiology Laboratory

The macro-area of investigation of the Plant Physiology Laboratory is centered around the study of the physiology and quality of cultivated and spontaneous herbaceous species.

Some of the research topics addressed are:

•  Determination of the principal product and quality parameters of herbaceous crops

•  Analysis of the nutritional and nutraceutical profiles of species that are of agricultural interest

•  Qualitative-quantitative characterization of bioactive compounds in agricultural crop species

•  Biochemical and molecular characterization of cereal and legume ecotypes for the enhancement and protection of plant biodiversity

•  Studies involving innovative approaches for the management of sports turf, particularly aimed in improving the growth conditions of the root system

•  Analysis of the toxicity/functional aspects of plant extracts in terms of inflammatory and/or health potential using in vitro human cell models

In this laboratory, research, teaching, and third-party activities are carried out.

Equipment available

The Plant Physiology Laboratory has:

•  Foss Infratec 1241 Grain Analyzer

•  Glutomatic 2000, Perten

•  Waters e2695 Alliance HPLC system coupled to Waters ACQUITY QDa single quadrupole mass spectrometer and 2489 UV/Visible DETECTOR

•  UV/VIS spectrophotometer and microplate reader

•  Horizontal and vertical electrophoresis systems

•  PCR and Real Time PCR (RT-PRC

•  Laboratory Stone Mill (Billy 200, Hawos Mulin)

•  Human cell cultures (incubator, inverted microscope with digital camera, Countess FL)

•  System for including paraffin samples and histology and immunohistochemistry reactions.

Services and consultancy that are offered

The Plant Physiology Laboratory collaborates with both Italian and international universities. In addition, the Laboratory carries out activities on behalf of third parties and provides scientific consulting related to specific agronomic and quality problems of products of plant origin to companies and institutions. The Laboratory also has facilities (climatic greenhouses, growth chambers) and experimental fields, suitable for carrying out agronomic tests and/or plant physiology studies.

Educational activity and training

The Plant Physiology Laboratory offers its resources to support:

•  Laboratory training in bachelor's and master's courses in the field of general and applied microbiology

•  Research development for the theses of degree students and those carrying out training internships

•  Development of research projects of doctoral students and post-doctoral students.


Staff: Prof Ilaria Marotti; Dr Sara Bosi; Dr. Rocco Enrico Sferrazza.