The Plant Variety Rights

In the field of Arboriculture research, genetic improvement projects have led to the selection of new varieties in fruit species, in particular new varieties of cherry, pear, apple and kiwi. These new varieties are the result of DISTAL's long breeding activity, and they are currently protected with Plant Variety Rights owned by the University of Bologna, some of which, thanks to important technological transfer activities, are already available on the market.

The University of Bologna is constantly evaluating new partnerships with structured companies of the sector, which can bring the fruits of the research to the market. Moreover, genetic research does not stop, but continues with new selections with high potential, with the aim of a constant improvement.

To learn more about the technical characteristics of each protected variety and check its commercial stage, visit the University of Bologna webpage dedicated to patents, PLANT VARIETIES section.

Cherry Varieties

The Sweet Series cherries are born from a breeding program with the aim of obtaining a series of varieties with excellent pomological qualities and high agronomic performance. The selective process, conducted using strict minimum thresholds in the evaluation parameters, led to 7 genotypes characterized by the term "Sweet", precisely to indicate one of their salient traits, sweetness. Breeders: Michelangelo Grandi, Stefano Lugli, Riccardo Correale.

Sweet Aryana® PA1UNIBO*- Early harvest, medium-large size, bright dark red color tending to bright blackish-dark red at advanced maturation, pulp with good consistency, aromatic and excellent flavour.

Sweet Lorenz® PA2UNIBO*- Medium-early harvest, large size, bright dark red color tending to bright blackish-dark red when ripe; firm, aromatic pulp with excellent flavour.

Sweet Gabriel® PA3UNIBO*- Intermediate harvest, large size, bright red color tending towards bright purple red at advanced maturation. Pulp with excellent consistency, aromatic and good flavour.

Sweet Valina® PA4UNIBO*– Intermediate harvest, large size, bright red color tending towards bright purple red at advanced maturation. Pulp with good consistency, aromatic and excellent flavour.

Sweet Saretta® PA5UNIBO*- Medium-late harvest, large size, bright red color tending towards bright vermilion red at advanced maturation. Pulp with good consistency, aromatic and excellent flavour.

Sweet Stephany® PA7UNIBO*- Early harvest, large size, bright red color (scale tending towards bright vermilion red at advanced maturation, pulp of good consistency, aromatic and of good quality.

Sweet Dave® PA8UNIBO*- Early harvest, large size, bright dark red skin color.  Very firm, crunchy, sweet and aromatic pulp, with a good balance in the sugar/acid ratio.

Then the new variety PA6UNIBO* Marysa® was born, very interesting for the medium-early harvest period; the early, high and constant productivity and the excellent pomological and organoleptic characteristics.

Kiwi Varieties

Genetic research on Kiwi has led to the birth of nine protected varieties.

AC1536* Dorì™- Breeder: Guglielmo Costa (Università di Bologna), Raffaele Testolin and Guido Cipriani (Università di Udine). Yellow pulp kiwi. It is particularly interesting for the very early harvest period, the rapid entry into production and high productivity, the golden color of the pulp and the excellent pomological and organoleptic characteristics of the fruits.

AC459011* - Dulcis™ green pulp variety / AC401057 * yellow pulp variety - Breeder: Guglielmo Costa, University of Bologna; Raffaele Testolin and Guido Cipriani, University of Udine, New Plant. These are two varieties of kiwi, one with a particularly sweet green pulp and one with yellow pulp.

Giovanni Fiori and Francesco Spinelli are the breeders of the subsequent recently protected varieties:

FM278* - new variety of Kiwi with an intense yellow pulp color, a high sugar content and a pleasant and distinctive shape compared to the classic kiwi cylindrical shape.

FM336* - new variety of Kiwi with an intense yellow pulp colour, particularly interesting for the shape of the fruit and the ripening period, as well as for the organoleptic qualities. The fruits have a regular shape, with a small indentation in the calyx part, perfect for reducing possible rubbing damage during the harvesting and processing phases.

FM1454 * - new variety characterized by the presence of the red color inside the fruit, related to the endocarp, and by an aroma reminiscent of exotic fruits, with a high sugar content. The size of the fruit and its shelf life were important in the selection process.

FMM1*/ FMMX1*/ FMM2022*- Male selections identified following a screening of 1400 individuals.

Apple Varieties

Unibo apples were born from a selection process carried out using traditional crossing techniques. The three best selections were then tested in different Italian cultivation areas, confirming both their good production and quality characteristics and a natural resistance to diseases and parasites, as well as the ability to maintain the main organoleptic characteristics even several months after harvesting. Founders: Roberto Gregori, Stefano Tartarini, Silviero Sansavini.

MD01UNIBO* known as “The Red”– Autumn variety with a very extensive attractive red color (over 90%). Firm pulp, crunchy, juicy and with a well-balanced flavour.

MD02UNIBO* known as “La Rugginosa”- Rustic autumn variety, very attractive fruits with a totally russet appearance and bronze colour. Firm pulp, crunchy, juicy, with high and balanced sweetness and acidity values, aromatic.

MD03UNIBO* known as “La Rosata”– Winter variety with a very attractive appearance with a bright pink blush on over 70% of the fruit. Firm pulp, crunchy and juicy, excellent flavour, well balanced and stands out for its excellent shelf life.

The breeding program continues and breeders are evaluating several selections at an advanced stage.

Pear Varieties

A genetic improvement program that begun in the 1990s, which since 2007 has seen the collaboration of the CIV (Italian Nurserymen's Consortium) of Ferrara, has led to the birth of four new summer varieties. These varieties are united by the intention of extending the harvesting calendar and the shelf life of up to 5 months, obtaining high quality fruit, introducing resistance or tolerance to the main diseases, reducing phytosanitary treatments and to move towards a sustainable cultivation direction.

During these years, over 20,000 seedlings have been obtained from more than 270 crossing combinations, arriving at the final selecion of 4 new protected varieties, available for licensing agreements. Founders: Vincenzo Ancarani, Stefano Musacchi, Silviero Sansavini.

PE1 UNIBO* Lucy Sweet® - Harvested ten days before William, it has a dark and juicy pulp, good flavor and sweet taste, which makes it particularly suitable for kids and youger customers. Also suitable for crunchy consumption, as snack pears.

PE2 UNIBO* Early Giulia® – An early variety, harvested 15 days before William, it has a beautiful pear-shaped appearance, semi-crunchy and juicy pulp, and is characterized by an excellent aroma and a balanced taste.

PE3 UNIBO* Debby Green®–Harvested in the first ten days of August, it has a particularly juicy melting pulp, with a balanced sweet-sour taste.

PE4 UNIBO* Lucy Red®- Late variety, harvested in the last ten days of August, stands out for its shape and red blush, which make it particularly attractive and with a good balanced flavour.

In addition to the four varieties, 5 red-skin selections are currently in the advanced testing phase.
