Changing practices and Habits through Open, Responsible, and social Innovation towards ZerΟ fοod waste


Scientific officer: Matteo Vittuari

Duration: 01/10/2022 - 30/09/2025

Research group: Matteo Vittuari, Andrea Segrè, Matteo Masotti, Elisa Iori, Zhuan Quian

CHORIZO aims to improve the understanding of how social norms influence behaviour and FLW generation and use this knowledge to increase the effectiveness of decision-making and engagement of food chain actors, in changing social norms towards zero food waste. To achieve its aim, the project will: (i) translate outputs from previous FLW actions into evidence; (ii) generate new evidence on social norms & FLW behaviours; (iii) utilise advanced modelling techniques to produce solutions that integrate behavioural and economic theories; (iv) embed research results into innovation prod-ucts that can foster change of FLW-related social norms. The project will ultimately provide evidence on the role of existing social norms in actors’ FLW behaviours and will embed this understanding in more effective (sector-based) guidance, products (communication & science education) and actions (capacity building) to significantly accelerate pro-gress towards zero food waste. CHORIZO employs real-life Case Studies (CSs) to serve three interlinked purposes: (i) to provide information and data on the context and impact of previous FLW prevention/reduction actions undertaken by the Case Study members, thus enriching the evidence-based analysis on previous FLW actions; (ii) to generate new evidence on the interaction between social norms, behaviour and food waste, to feed into the project’s FW models and innovation products; (iii) to validate the communication & science education packages of the project. Moreover, the project integrates gender and intersectional analysis to interpret social norm and behavioural data and to effectively engineer innovation processes and outputs.