Participants' experiences

Guglielmo Piazzi presso Institute of Bio- and Geosciences (IBG-2) – Germany (periodo di attività: 04/2024 – 06/2024)
Relatore: Prof. Silvio Salvi

Title: “Root architecture analysis of wheat lines using an automated phenomic platform”

I found about the call thanks to my Professor Silvio Salvi and I chose Forschungszentrum Jülich as my destination, since is one of the best research centres in Europe for root phenotyping. […] During those months, we started with the rhizotron experiment on a RIL population of durum wheat. We had in total 3 replicas of 80 genotypes, so at the end we had 240 rhizotron boxes with a single plant, that we left for 25 days to grow in the rhizotron facility in Forschungszentrum Jülich. During and after the end of the experiment my main focus was on drawing the roots of these plants using the PaintRhizo software. I helped directly on Campus Klein-Altendorf field with the WISH-ROOT project by preparing 126 plots of different

genotypes of wheat and by collecting samples of soil and roots. This mobility allowed me to learn how to work in a group outside of a university environment; I learned how to work on an automated phenomic platform and the protocols involved in a rhizotron experiment; I learned how to use the PaintRhizo software and WinRhizo software; I learned the protocols to prepare an experimental field. I would recommend this experience to everyone because the work environment in Forschungszentrum Jülich is great both for the people and the amazing facilities that are in the research centre, I would love to have the possibility to work there again.

Andrei Pasquali presso Sun'Agri – France (periodo di attività: 05/2023 – 07/2023)
Relatore: Prof.ssa Brunella Morandi

Title: “Assessment of the Ecophysiological and productive performance of fruit tree orchards under dynamic agrivoltaic systems

I was informed by Professor Brunella Morandi about the possibility of project in France in a company that deals with research in the agrivoltaic sector. Coming to know about this call, through the university website. […] Sun’agri of Montpellier has a consolidated relationship of collaboration with the University of Bologna. This has made it possible to simplify contacts with the company. […] Several activities were carried out during the mobility period: the use of fruit gauges for the fruit growth monitoring, the measurement of water potential using a pressure chamber, the measurement of specific leaf area with a leaf area meter, the installation of thermocouples for temperature monitoring for fruits and leaves and the use of an infrared camera for organs temperature monitoring. […] Furthermore, among the activities carried out, I would like to mention the learning of protocol drafting techniques for the field activities, in order to determine the most interesting variable for that specific study. The organizational aspect allowed me, among other things, to learn the use of a specific software (Git lab) which allows online sharing of files and to have the possibility to organize all the other activities. […] I consider this the most formative and the most useful experience, as it allowed me to leave the classic university canon, and enter the hearth of a corporative reality, particularly in a foreign country. I believe that facing this type of experience has allowed me to grow professionally, but also from a more personal point of view. In conclusion, I recommend this experience as it allows us students to improve the curriculum, and also to take advantage of us for the future world of work.

Luca Rasi presso Biobest company (periodo di attività: 05/2023 – 08/2023)
Relatore: Prof. Fabio Sgolastra

Title: “Evaluation of the efficiency of two microbial candidates, used as bio-control agent against Botrytis cinerea, spread by Entomovectoring”

I find out about the call by an email about “thesis preparation abroad” from “DISTAL – Internazionalizzazione”. After my Erasmus, I wanted to enhance my visibility in terms of working profile so I looked for an internship in a big firm abroad. The destination I choose was a pure fortuity because I was trying to access at Wag University but thanks to my previous research chiefs, I found out the bumble team leader contact at Biobest and I agreed to follow up their trials. […] The aim of this master thesis topic was to explore new microorganisms to be used for entomovectoring technology. More specifically, the potential of fungi and yeast species occurring naturally on plants as biocontrol agents against plant pathogens, such as Botrytis cinerea and Mucor sp., were assessed. […] I’ve worked in the microbiology lab, gaining confidence with biocontrol agents and all the protocols. Afterwards, I worked in the research trailer

and the Green Lab, testing treatments applied to plants and samples. I also worked in the IT office to get used to the R software. During my mobility period I have learn […] lab techniques and insect handling, from the rearing to their application and, finally, R software. I really suggest this experience because it is the most useful way for increasing the level of the master’s degree overall and to understand which are our weaknesses and lack of knowledge and straighten them. This facility does not provide a course about R software, it would be useful a course about it or implement the teaching hours about that statistical software used worldwide during the study course at DISTAL.

Francesco Costa presso IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute (periodo di attività: 09/2023 – 12/2023)
Relatore: Prof. Giorgio Prosdocimi Gianquinto

Sono venuto a conoscenza del bando tesi all’estero tramite il Professor Gianquinto.

Ho scelto Stoccolma come destinazione perché è una città molto organizzata che offre tante opportunità agli studenti. L’ambiente giovane ed internazionale, ricco di eventi ed attività, fanno da sfondo ad una città sicura, funzionante e con numerosi servizi pubblici. Inoltre, dopo un Erasmus in Portogallo, il desiderio era quello di esplorare una realtà diversa da quella nostra mediterranea e conoscere da vicino l’areale scandinavo, molto distante da noi (non solo geograficamente).

Il titolo della tesi è “Substrati alternativi con scarti organici della vertical farm per produrre funghi in ambiente urbano protetto”. Incentivare il riutilizzo e la valorizzazione di uno scarto della produzione della vertical farm (plugs, radici, foglie) per produrre substrati alternativi su cui crescere funghi cardoncelli (Pleurotus eryngii). Il progetto vede protagoniste due realtà svedesi di produzione urbana: la vertical farm Nara e la Stockholm mushroom farm.

Durante il periodo di mobilità ho svolto attività di ricerca dati ed ho effettuato un esperimento per valutare la fattibilità dell’utilizzo di substrati alternativi per la crescita di funghi. Inoltre, ho coadiuvato il mio correlatore in diverse interviste alle vertical farms di Stoccolma.

Penso di avere acquisito competenze pratiche su come si gestisce lo svolgimento di un esperimento di crescita di funghi ma anche abilità di comunicazione e lavoro di squadra. Inoltre, ho vissuto all’estero in maniera indipendente, acquisendo importanti abilità di adattabilità.

Sono rimasto entusiasta dall’esperienza, la rifarei sicuramente. Penso che sia stata un’opportunità unica per mettersi in gioco e di grande crescita personale. Ho avuto l’opportunità di immergermi nella cultura di un altro paese per 4 mesi, di conoscere persone da tutto il mondo e di aver vissuto in un paese bellissimo come la Svezia.