Tenth European Conference on Sensory and Consumer Research

Referente: Vilma Xhakollari

  • Data: dal 13 settembre 2022 al 16 settembre 2022

  • Luogo: Turku, Finlandia

  • Modalità d'accesso: Ingresso previa iscrizione/registrazione a pagamento

EuroSense is a successful event, gathering sensory and consumer researchers, both academics and from industry, worldwide. The meeting is a unique opportunity for discovering the latest innovations in the field and for networking, as well as meeting up with colleagues and friends in a relaxed atmosphere.

The topic of the 2022 conference is 'A Sense of Earth', with a specific attention to innovative approaches to study sensory perception in relation to preference, choice, and other types of behavior from a global perspective. Our commitment is to build a scientific program considering emerging challenges, the latest knowledge, and out-of-the-box ideas in both fundamental and applied sensory and consumer science. The conference includes food and other applications where the study of the senses plays a key role.
