
13 Oct 2021

Presentations and meetings

OLEUM - IOC Presentation of the OLEUM project findings


Presentation of results

11 Oct 2021

Presentations and meetings



UrbanFarm2021: Interdisciplinary knowledge for urban regeneration and sustainable food systems

24 Sep 2021

Presentations and meetings

2021 European Researchers’ Night

Bologna and Cesena

The European Researchers' Night is a Europe-wide public event, which displays the diversity of science and its impact on citizens' daily lives in fun, inspiring ways.

13 Sep 2021

Presentations and meetings

Job orientation Workshop

Aula Guarnieri c/o DISTAL - Viale G. Fanin, 44 - Bologna, Italy and Online

For all students of the CdS

7 Sep 2021 9 Sep 2021

Presentations and meetings


Macfrut Exhibition, Sala Tulipano - Rimini Expo Centre, Via Emilia

Schedule - Stand del Tecnopolo di Forlì-Cesena – PADIGLIONE B1 – STAND 147

8 Sep 2021

Presentations and meetings

Press conference: "International Cherry Symposium Presentation"

Macfrut Exhibition, Sala Tulipano - Rimini Expo Centre, Via Emilia

Organized by MACFRUT in collaboration with University of Bologna, University of Modena e Reggio Emilia and University of Ancona. With prof. Brunella Morandi from DISTAL.

6 Sep 2021

Presentations and meetings

Non solo lambrusco

Vigna Vecchia di Podere Sottoilnoce - Parking Via Moravia – Castelvetro (MO)

Viticultural biodiversity in the Modena area

26 Feb 2020

Presentations and meetings

Career day - February 26

Pavilion 33 in Bologna Fiere - Aldo Moro Entrance.

Register online, meet employers, and submit your CV. Take part in the event that will take place at Pavilion 33 in Bologna Fiere - Aldo Moro Entrance.