New chance for Polluted Lands: Recovery of agricultural soil function by non-food farming and adapted soil manage-ment at degraded sites

Coordinatore: Institute of Environmental Engineering of the Polish Academy of Sciences

Ambiti di ricerca: Pedologia e Chimica agraria (Articolazione: Chimica agraria, Pedologia e Genetica agraria)

Responsabile Scientifico: Gloria Falsone

Durata: 01/06/2024 - 30/11/2026

Gruppo di ricerca: Gloria Falsone, Ornella Francioso, Livia Vittori Antisari, Marcello Di Bonito.

The PoLaRecCE project aims to develop innovative tools and approaches to support land management practices to adapt degraded soils to the environmental, social and economic needs of the local community. It includes identifiction of the main problems related to degraded agricultural land, implementation of the best available techniques for environmental site assessment and development of universal procedures to successfully recover and transform degraded land into the non-food agriculture.