Optimizing CHerry physiOlogIcal performanCE through the correct choice of multifunctional covers

Coordinatore di progetto: DISTAL - Unibo
Ambiti di ricerca: Arboricoltura
Responsabile Scientifico: Brunella Morandi
Durata: 12/10/2023 - 12/10/2025
Gruppo di ricerca: Brunella Morandi.
Sweet cherry represents a high value crop, whose cultivation is highly increasing in Italy. To reduce the risks related to both cracking and Drosophila suzukii, growers are forced to invest on protective covers. Despite a wide range of covers are available on the market, which differ for shading level, type of use and water permeability, very little is known on how they change the orchard microclimate and the trees physiological and productive performance. Therefore, despite these covers represent one of the most expensive investments when setting up a new orchard, there is still no real hints on the criteria that should drive growers’ choice. CHOICE aims at providing growers with a rational approach to optimize their cherry orchard microenvironment and physiological performance, through the correct choice of multifunctional covers, based on the vigor of their orchard and the specific environmental conditions of the growing area. This main objective will be achieved through the following specific steps: 1) Describing how different multifunctional covers (type and shading level) influence the orchard microclimate and consequently, the main physiological processes related to production performance, depending on the orchard vigor (WP1) 2) Modelling the effect of the type of cover on: i) canopy microclimate, ii) the most important physiological processes underpinning plant production (carbon assimilation and water use) (WP2). 3) Validate the model in commercial orchards having different vigor and located in different environments (Emilia-Romagna and Campania regions) (WP3) 4) Disseminate the project result to relevant stakeholders such as scientist, advisors, growers, cover producers companies etc (WP4) Activities will be carried out by 3 Research Units in close cooperation: the University of Bologna taking care of the physiological studies, the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, taking care of the modelling and the University of Naples, contributing to the validation. CHOICE will provide technical indications to growers and advisors, and will set the basis for a decision support tool to optimize the features of the multifunctional covers for cover producers as well as for users (growers). The set up of the optimal cover will allow growers to optimize their production and investment with positive impacts on their revenue. In addition, when correctly applied, covers can represent an adaptation tool to climate change. In fact, their shading effect can reduce evapotranspiration and thus irrigation, without affecting productivity. Results are improved water use efficiency and water saving, as well as improved carbon storage. CHOICE’s technological, socioeconomical and environmental impacts are well in line with ONU Sustainable Development Goals 2 “zero hunger” and Mission 2 “Green revolution and Ecological Transition” of PNRR.