Partecipanti: Prof.ssa Ilaria Braschi, Dott.ssa Sonia Blasioli, Dott.ssa Marina Collina
The event is the most important conference on food and environmental safety in Europe and Mediterranean Countries and is the best occasion for researchers and experts to meet and compare themselves with productive realities. It aims at investigating issues related to the characterization of old and emerging contaminations, analytical techniques, risk management and mitigation techniques, as well as tackling emerging new problems such as the influence of contaminants on animal and plant microbiome, and the toxicological aspects related to cocktails of voluntary and involuntary contaminants. The accessibility of citizens to safe and nutritious food, obtained from healthy plants and animals, as well as the possibility of the industry to operate in the best possible conditions is one of the cornerstone of the European policy on food safety and environmental protection. The participation of Companies of the Agrifood sectors, analytical scientific instruments, and involved in the environmental protection in its various facets represents an added value for the congress.
Ilaria Braschi, Sonia Blasioli, Marina Collina (University of Bologna); Sabino Aurelio Bufo (University of Basilicata); Alberto Angioni (University of Cagliari); Andrea Baglieri (University of Catania); Luigi Lucini (University Cattolica del Sacro Cuore – Sede Piacenza)
ITALY: Alberto Angioni, Sabino Aurelio Bufo, Ilaria Braschi, Laura Scrano, Giovanni Gigliotti, Marco Trevisan, Mara Gennari, Claudio Minero, Costantino Vischetti, Fabrizio Jondini, Pierluigi Caboni, Ettore Capri SPAIN: Joan Albaigés, Amadeo Fernández-Alba, Thierry Dagnac, Damia Barcelo, Angel Montoya Baides, Antonio Valverde, Sylvia Lacorte, , Soledad Muniategui-Lorenzo GREECE: Triantafyllos Albanis, Antonio Kalokerinos, Ioannis Konstantinou, Chaido Lentza-Rizos, Rania Menkissoglu-Spirouidi, Dimitra Hela, Dimitra Lampropoulou FRANCE: Serge Chiron, Michel Couderchet, Jean-Marc Chovelon, Rachid Salghi, Hassouna Bahrouni GERMANY: Michelangelo Anastassiades, Ulrike Schulte-Oehlmann Turkey: Kaya Ummuhan, Osman Tiryaki BRASIL: Amir Gebara, Claudia Ciscato PORTUGAL: Maria de Fátima Alpendurada MOROCCO: Hahou Abdellah OMAN: Farid Talukder YUGOSLAVIA: Milica Mojasevic TUNISIA: Sami Fattouch IRELAND: Anne Morrissey USA: Thagarayan Budalar JAPAN: Jinno Kiyokatsu AUSTRALIA: Jörg Imberger BELGIUM: Walter Steurbaut BULGARIA Rosita Mladevona UK: James Readman JORDAN: Ashraf Al Hawamdeh LYBIA: Ali Kafu POLAND: Marek Biziuk