Broadening Vertical Farming: connecting academia and company needs

Referente: Francesco Orsini

  • Data: 10 novembre 2023 dalle 14:00 alle 17:00

  • Luogo: Online su Teams

  • Modalità d'accesso: Ingresso libero previa iscrizione

Nowadays, vertical farming sector is constantly growing and we witness new ideas and innovations every day. During this seminar, various topics related to vertical farming will be explored, looking at what are the next steps in the field, which improvements in light management we can have, how to increase circularity and resource use efficiency and, lastly, examples of new frontiers in indoor farming. Researchers and companies will follow one another in the different sessions, to connect these two sides of indoor farming and explore the needs and future perspectives of the sector. At the end of each session, a 15 minutes Q&A part will be dedicated to questions and discussion between speakers and the public.

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