EIT Food RIS Inspire Summer School on Sustainable Food Production and Consumption | Deadline for application: August 31st, 2024

Applications are now open for the 4°edition of the EIT Food RIS Inspire Summer School coordinated by the Department of Agricultural and Food Sciences | Referente: Giovanni Dinelli

  • Data: dal 16 settembre 2024 al 04 ottobre 2024

  • Luogo: Online su Zoom

  • Modalità d'accesso: Ingresso previa iscrizione/registrazione a pagamento

The University of Bologna is participating for the fourth year in the EIT Food Inspire & RIS Inspire programme with the Summer School «Sustainable Food Production and Consumption: new Deep Tech approaches, methods and tools». The new edition will start in mid-September for three weeks and will be coordinated by the Department of Agricultural and Food Sciences of the University of Bologna in collaboration with the University of Turin, Foodback, Sabri Ülker Foundation and Grupo AN.

The programme will offer an overview of sustainability challenges in the food production and consumption chain, with a focus on Deep Technologies. The main topics covered in this edition will be Sustainable Agriculture, Alternative Proteins and Circular Food Systems.

The programme will be led by highly qualified academics and food professionals and will enable participants to develop and co-design a creative and innovative idea to promote healthier and more sustainable living through the food system.

Aimed at university students, master's/ PhD students, young researchers and food system innovators - from RIS countries.