Participation to the AIEAA Conference 2022

11th AIEAA Congress - CAP, Farm to Fork and Green Deal: policy coherence, governance and future challenges | Referente: Davide Viaggi

  • Data: dal 16 giugno 2022 al 17 giugno 2022

  • Luogo: Università degli Studi della Tuscia - Viterbo

  • Modalità d'accesso: Ingresso previa iscrizione/registrazione a pagamento

The following contributions will presented at the conference:

- Borgia et al., “Stakeholder perception of the impact of public policies on the introduction of sustainable innovation in agri-food value chains”, oral presentation.

- Chatzinikolaou P. et al., “Best practices for teaching in entrepreneurship for the bioeconomy”, poster presentation.

- Fasolino et al., “The role of policies in strengthening the participation of primary producers in the bioeconomy through boosting their collaboration”, oral presentation.

- Lascano et al., “Investment, subsidies and environmental performance: conflicting effects on farms using dose-response function”, oral presentation.

- Kurtsal et al., “Improving the education and training policies of the agri-food and forestry sectors: Design of new policy instruments to match the needs of the sector”, oral presentation.

- Pellegrini et al., “Policy and research priorities for the transition to climate neutrality: insights from the Emilia-Romagna Multi-actor Platform”, oral presentation.

- Pellegrini et al. “Economic analysis under the Water Framework Directive: a review of scientific and grey literature”, poster presentation.

- Raina et al. “Systematic mapping of carbon farming schemes across the EU and beyond using the CEE method”, oral presentation.

- Rinaldi et al. “From sectorial Knowledge and Innovation Systems (KIS) to a unified Knowledge and Innovation System for Bioeconomy (KISB): the BIObec project experience”, poster presentation.

- Russo et al. “Models for analysing contract farming: a systematic literature review”, poster presentation.

- Schaller, Targetti Viaggi “New incentive solutions for agri-environmental contracts: a focus on acceptability and pathways for improving the uptake”, organized session.

- Targetti et al. “An analysis of indicators for biodiversity implemented in result based schemes: A discussion of current trends”, oral presentation

- Targetti et al “The design of result-based agri-environmental schemes: a value of information perspective”, oral presentation

- Viaggi et al. “Innovative contract solutions for the provision of public goods from EU agriculture and forestry: The CONSOLE Project”, oral presentation

- Zavalloni et al. “Conservation in working landscapes: input-based, results based or collective schemes?”, oral presentation.
