Summer School: An Introduction to Behavioural Economics

Referente: Maurizio Canavari

  • Data: dal 20 settembre 2022 al 23 settembre 2022

  • Luogo: Atene, Grecia

  • Modalità d'accesso: Ingresso libero fino ad esaurimento dei posti disponibili

The course aims to provide students with an introduction to the principles of Behavioural Economics. The course will introduce the basic theories (neoclassical and behavioural) of choice between alternatives that differ in terms of the outcomes’ timeframe, distributional effects, and probability of occurrence. The course is designed for undergraduate or graduate students of economics or related fields, with no prior knowledge on the topic. Although standard economic theory will be explained briefly at the beginning of each section, some prior knowledge of basic microeconomic theory (e.g. utility functions, indifference curves, etc.) is considered useful. No advanced mathematics is required.
