Summer school "Experimental Auctions"

Theory and Applications in Food Marketing and Consumer Preferences Analysis | Referente: Maurizio Canavari

  • Data: dal 01 luglio 2024 alle 09:00 al 06 luglio 2024 alle 18:00

  • Luogo: DISTAL, viale Fanin 50, 40127 Bologna

  • Modalità d'accesso: Ingresso previa iscrizione/registrazione a pagamento

 The summer school "Experimental Auctions: Theory and Applications in Food Marketing and Consumer Preferences Analysis" is aimed at learning the fundamentals and the recent advances of experimental auctions. It will provide the appropriate techniques to construct an experimental design, with software applications and workshops regarding specific problems in the fields of food market valuation. It will also provide the appropriate knowledge of the models used in the experimental auction literature for the data analysis. Results interpretation and policy implications will be also discussed.

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