Webinar - STAAA PhD OPEN DAY (Dipartimenti di Eccellenza 2018-2022) | Referente: Massimiliano Petracci

The PhD OPENDAY & The Final Conference Dip. di Eccellenza DISTAL "The Nexus Approach for Sustainability in Agriculture, Food, Energy & Water" are partner events of the EU GREEN WEEK

  • Data: 01 giugno 2022 dalle 10:00 alle 12:00

  • Luogo: Online su Teams

  • Modalità d'accesso: Ingresso libero fino ad esaurimento dei posti disponibili

This eventi is dedicated to the presentations of activities of PhD students working on “Water-Food-Energy-Sustainable Agriculture Nexus” research topic of the PhD programme in Agricultural, Environmental and Food Science and Technology (STAAA).
