HomePage — Agricultural and Food Sciences

The Department has two main locations, one in Bologna and one in Cesena, but it also carries out both teaching and research activities in Ozzano, Cadriano and Imola.

Research laboratories
Discover them all!

Academic calendar 2024/25
The academic calendar shows the religious and non-religious holidays on which teaching activities do not take place, and the Christmas and Easter activity breaks.

Weather alert for friday 14th March
Following the ordinance issued this evening by the Municipality of Bologna, teaching activities and Open days will only be held online.

Research areas
A journey through the areas, projects and research groups where new knowledge is born and developed. Discover the research and scientific innovation activities of the department’s researchers.

The “Bulletin of Insectology” has been renewed
The journal, currently in Q2 with an impact factor of 1.3, has joined the Pensoft portfolio

Innovation and Research
Improving the agri-food system with the bioeconomy through optimization and governance solutions
Two PhD students from DISTAL are part of the DESTINY project which aims to Design and Sustainability Assessment of Innovative biomass production systems and value-chains in the Bioeconomy

Appointment on February 25-26, with the Open Day Virtual Fair
Our Department, DISTAL, will be present with teachers, students and administrative staff

Innovation and Research
Happy holidays from DISTAL!
Find out the days and opening hours of the DISTAL sites during the holidays
Presentations and meetings
Open Science Corner
On line on Teams
Presentations and meetings
Kick-off meeting | REDESIG
Le Serre dei Giardini | Via Castiglione, 134, 40136 Bologna BO
Impact assessment and its role in policy-making: Co-creating bioeconomy education and training in Europe
On line
Presentations and meetings
Call for Players - 2 April
On line
Training initiatives
Scienze e Tecnologie Alimentari -Blended Intensive Program (BIP) SHIFT course
ONLINE on Zoom | ON-SITE WEEK – Porto, Portugal
Career guidance and work
Scienze e Tecnologie Alimentari-Blended Intensive Program (BIP) SHIFT course
ONLINE on Zoom ON-SITE WEEK – Porto, Portugal
Training initiatives
Scienze e Tecnologie Alimentari-Blended Intensive Program (BIP) SHIFT course
ONLINE on Zoom ON-SITE WEEK – Porto, Portugal
Calls and competitions
Open calls

First and Second cycle degree programmes
Choose the degree programme, second cycle degree or single-cycle degree programme that suits you best among those offered by the Department

Health and safety
Information on risks, correct behaviour and emergency management in the main places of study, work and research of the Department and of the University