Combined Approaches to expLore the Impact of wholemeal semolina and pasta processing on MEtabolic RespOnses

Coordinatore di progetto: Università di Milano
Ambito di ricerca: Chimica, Biochimica e Botanica
Responsabile scientifico: Alessandra Bordoni
Durata: 12/10/2023 - 12/10/2025
Gruppo di ricerca: Alessandra Bordoni, Andrea Gianotti, Giorgia Antonelli, Lorenzo Nissen.
CALIMERO aims at investigating the structural, nutritional and metabolic features of pasta prepared, using different drying cycles, from whole meal semolina having different protein content. The focus will be placed on the digestome of pasta obtained using in vitro gastroduodenal model, including the evaluation of the role of raw material and processing on digestibility, intestinal absorption and inflammation, and on the gut microbiota. Given that pasta quality may be modulated by the drying step but increased drying temperature may impair protein digestion and/or affect nutritional properties, two drying cycles will be used in pastamaking. Pasta samples will undergo in vitro digestion by using a static method including brush border enzymes. Advanced proteomic/metabolomic approaches will be used to evaluate the breakdown of proteins and to inform about the presence of peptides with potential positive or detrimental effects on human health. The characterization of the products of digestion transmigrated through the Caco-2 cells will allow collecting additional knowledge about the bioavailability of resulting peptides and of other pasta components. Alongside, digested pasta samples will be administered to Caco-2 cells to evaluate inflammatory effects. Potential modulation induced by digested pasta in the gut microbiota will be investigated by in vitro gut fermentation. CALIMERO stems from the paucity of reports on protein digestibility in pasta, in contrast with those on starch digestion, and the increasing frequency of gluten sensitivity in the population. Given the strong relationship between product structure (defined by composition and processing) and nutritional functionality, and the modest number of studies on this topic, this proposal implies a holistic approach to the various aspects of these issues, combining the expertise in food technology, proteomics, metabolomics, protein chemistry/biochemistry, nutrition and microbiology that are all present in the Consortium. Notably, the topics addressed by CALIMERO are of great relevance also to the general public and would help in shedding some light on the molecular aspects of a debate in which sides are often taken in the absence of scientific support.