The 9th International Congress of Rabbit Biotechnology and Large Animal Models for Translational Research

Invited Speaker: Luca Fontanesi from DISTAL. Lecture entitled: “Rabbit genomics comes of age: exploring and exploiting the diversity of different rabbit genetic resources

  • Data: dal 09 agosto 2024 al 12 agosto 2024

  • Luogo: North Campus Research Complex (NCRC) on the University of Michigan campus, 2800 Plymouth Road, Ann Arbor, MI 48098, USA

  • Modalità d'accesso: Ingresso previa iscrizione/registrazione a pagamento

During the 9th International Congress of Rabbit Biotechnology and Large Animal Models for  Translational Research, Prof. Luca Fontanesi will give an invited presentation on rabbit genetic resources. The presentation is entitled “Rabbit genomics comes of age: exploring and  exploiting the diversity of different rabbit genetic resources”.