
9 Jun 2022


The Nexus Approach for Sustainability in Agriculture, Food, Energy & Water

DISTAL- Viale Fanin 44-46, 40127, Bologna (BO)

Final Conference Dipartimenti di Eccellenza 2018-2022 DISTAL

30 May 2022 2 Jun 2022


XXVth EUCARPIA Maize and Sorghum Conference - Belgrade

Serbia - Belgrade

International conference on new challenges and new methods for maize and sorghum breeding - Silvio Salvi (DISTAL) Member of the Scientific committee and chairman

1 Jun 2022


Webinar - STAAA PhD OPEN DAY (Dipartimenti di Eccellenza 2018-2022)

Online on Teams

This event is part of both “Final Conference Dipartimenti di Eccellenza 2018-2022 – DISTAL” and “EU Green Week 2022” initiaves | Representative: Massimiliano Petracci

25 May 2022


Forest bioeconomy concept in central Europe, Czech republic case: visions, barriers, opportunities

DISTAL - Viale Fanin 42, Bologna - Aula 11, I floor

Seminar by Dr. Radek Rinn (Faculty of Forestry and Wood Sciences, Czech University of Life Sciences Prague | Representative: Valentino Marini Govigli

16 May 2022

Presentations and meetings

4th FAO E-dialogue: "Knowledge and skills for commercial urban agriculture”


Representative: Francesco Orsini

12 May 2022 14 May 2022

Presentations and meetings

General Assembly Meeting of BIOVALUE project

Limassol, Cyprus

First year general meeting of the project H2020 “Biovalue”- Luca Mulazzani will present the results of the task 3.2.

13 May 2022


Whole Genome Sequencing and its application in foodborne outbreak investigation at EU level

Online on Teams

Seminar held by Mirko Rossi – Scientific Officer at EFSA (European Food Safety Authority)

4 May 2022 6 May 2022


International Cherry Symposium

MACFRUT 2022, Rimini Expo Centre

Representative: Brunella Morandi

6 May 2022


AIEAA and BAE Webinar series on the occasion of 10th Anniversary BAE AIEAA


Chairman: Fabio Santeramo and Meri Raggi (Co Editors in Chief Bio Based and Applied Economics) Speakers: Davide Viaggi (UNIO); Francesco Mantino (CREA)

4 May 2022


Bio-district: the methodology for the sustainable management of the territories, based on the Agroecology best practices and the organic farming principles of Health, Ecology, Fairness, and Care

Online on Zoom

Cesare Zanasi will illustrate how to boost the creation and management of Biodistricts

2 May 2022 3 May 2022


Spring School on sustainable orchards in a changing environment

CEUB - Via Aldruda Frangipane, 6, 47032 Bertinoro (FC)

Representative: Brunella Morandi

22 Apr 2022


“Are we pushing broilers to their biological limits?”

Palacongressi di Rimini (Via della Fiera 23, Rimini)

With Massimiliano Petracci