Presentations and meetings
Consortium Meeting of RES4LIVE project
Aarhus University, Denmark
6th Meeting of the Horinzon 2020 project “RES4LIVE – Energy Smart Livestock Farming towards Zero Fossil Fuel Consumption” | Representative: Stefano Benni
Townhall meeting presenting the new COST Action on the Joint effects of climate extremes and atmospheric deposition on European forests (CLEANFOREST)
Austria Center Vienna (ACV), Vienna, Austria.
Representative: Rossella Maria Rosa Guerrieri
Can nighttime dim blue light prevent lettuce tipburn in indoor farms?
Online, website of ISHS
Representative: Francesco Orsini
How can medicinal plants be efficiently cultivated in vertical farming?
Online, website of ISHS
Representative: Francesco Orsini
Insights from agricultural and forest policies in Brazil
Room 5, DISTAL | Viale Giuseppe Fanin, 40-50, 40127 Bologna BO and online on Teams
Zero Deforestation in Brazil: An Overview on Supportive National Policies; Socioeconomic and environmental impacts of a degraded pasture recovery policy in Brazil | Referente: Valentino Marini Govigli
Can short-day plants flower under long-days?
Online, website of ISHS
Representative: Francesco Orsini
How does Catharanthus roseus respond to UV-A and UV-C stresses in vertical farming systems?
Online, website of ISHS
Representative: Francesco Orsini
Presentations and meetings
Cultivating Sustainability: Advancing Efficient Agri-Food Value Chains
Hybrid - Brussels and virtual
Dissemination event organized by partners of the H2020 CO-FRESH project | Representative: Lucia Vannini
Guided tours and workshops
Workshop “Towards sustainable and crisis responsive food systems in Africa”
Online on Teams
The three Horizon projects Foodland, HealthyFoodAfrica and InnoFoodAfrica will discuss how innovation deal with the current food crisis in Africa | Representative: Claudia Giordano
Fungal Invasions: Beyond the Lack-of Co-evolution Hypothesi
Room 12, DISTAL | Viale Giuseppe Fanin, 40-50, 40127 Bologna BO
Matteo Garbelotto - Director U.C. Berkeley Forest Pathology and Mycology Laboratory | Representative: Riccardo Baroncelli
Current Status and Future Prospects of Commercial Urban Agriculture
Online on Zoom
Findings and insights from the FAO&EBRD Report | Representative: Francesco Orsini
Congress “Environmental Education and Comprehensive Water Management”
Oaxaca de Juarez, Mexico
Adamo Domenico Rombolà will discuss issues such as access to water and sanitation, the environment, water and propose innovative solutions