Training initiatives
Agricultural meteorology for a sustainable water management in agroecosystems
DISTAL – Viale G. Fanin 44, 40137 Bologna
AIAM - second edition of the International Advanced School of Agricultural Meteorology - DISTAL’s reference person involved: Francesca Ventura
183rd EAAE Seminar on Experimental Economics
Zagreb, Croatia
Representative: Maurizio Canavari
Conciliating Sustainability, Resilience, and Food Quality - New challenges for a 2030 agriculture
Università di Pisa - Dipartimento di Scienze Agrarie, Alimentari e Agro-ambientali
XL SICA Congress | Representative: Ilaria Braschi
International Symposium on Managing Land and Water for climate Smart Agriculture
International Atomic Energy Agency (Vienna) and online
International events organized by the Joint FAO-IAEA centre (Vienna, Austria) | Representative: Gabriele Baroni
Integrative Biology and Applied Genetics - ICIBAG 2022
Department of Genetics & Biotechnology - Osmania University, Hyderabad, Telangana, India and online
Representative: Roberto Tuberosa
Participation to the AISSA under 40
Libera Università di Bolzano - Piazza Università 1, 39100, Bolzano (BZ)
III Convegno AISSA#under40 | Representative: Davide Viaggi
14th International Conference on Plant Pathogenic Bacteria (14th ICPPB)
Valle di Assisi Hotel - Via S. Bernardino Da Siena 116, 06088, Santa Maria degli Angeli (PG)
The Impact of Plant Pathogenic Bacteria on Global Plant Health | Representative: Paola Minardi
ICABR Conference 2022
Piazza S. Giovanni in Monte 2, 40124 Bologna (BO)
26th annual conference - Bioeconomy Innovation Pipelines and Supply Chain Shocks | Representative: Davide Viaggi
Wheat Initiative Strategic Research Agenda (SRA)
Botanical Garden - Berlin
Representative: Roberto Tuberosa
4th International Erwinia Workshop (IEW)
Valle di Assisi Hotel - Via S. Bernardino Da Siena 116, 06088, Santa Maria degli Angeli (PG)
Aspect of the biology and control of Erwinia, Pectobacterium, Dickeya, Pantoea and related plant pathogen | Representative: Paola Minardi
International conference AmeriDendro 2022
Montréal, Canada
Symposium on “Ecophysiological interpretations of stable isotopes in dendroecology” Chaired by Szejner P., Lavergne A., Voelker S., Guerrieri R (from DISTAL), Csank A.
Coopid project: virtual visit to Caviro
Virtual visit to the biggest winery in Italy with a special focus on successful business model in the European bioeconomy | Representatives: Fasolino Nunzia Gabriella, Matteo Zavalloni, Davide Viaggi